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Power of Appreciation

In recent times I have heard many people making fun of people who are fond of likes on social networking site.. It’s a part of common joke..I always took it on a lighter note..But today i thought deeply over it..among the three limited options given by such a powerful social networking site first one is must definitely be important I feel.

The other day when i returned from hectic day at office I was so exhausted that I couldn’t think of going in kitchen..but my own principles of cooking for my loved ones forced me to go and cook simple khichdi ..Dish was too simple but was made with love for my family..After they had their first bite they exclaimed wow mummy yummy...their instant response took all my fatigue away..I was more than determined to cook everyday for my satisfaction and their happiness.

Appreciation is a very important quality and necessity of an individual to grow. This i have realised distinctively after becoming mother..I have seen remarkable changes in my daughter from the time I started appreciating her little things..I have seen her becoming more active and excited to do things which she earlier was reluctant or disliked, anticipating little recognition appreciation from me..I realised little appreciation is much more powerful than scolding or shouting..

During my school days all my teachers were so cooperative and encouraging..Even at home not only parents but my grandma, whom we call mothiaai use to appreciate our single lil step forward in any respect. Sometimes we use to tease mothiaai that she praises more than required. I was quite lazy as a kid.But my teachers recognised my skills are started encouraging me for short steps. Their support and appreciation instilled the courage and confidence of setting and achieving some tough goals in my life..In this journey the appreciation of family used to give me double strength to move forward..

The appreciation which we receive since childhood help us in shaping our character .it keeps us away from feeling of jealousy, insecurity and low self esteem.We realise that we can be happy in our own spaces.

Many believe that appreciation can spoil individual..But there is thin line between appreciation and undue pampering. Appreciation of things done with love hard work, sincerity, dedication instills zeal and self confidence.

Sadly as people grow appreciating takes a back seat..professionally appreciation is received in form of appraisals incentives and bonus..but in personal day to day life appreciation loses it presence and importance.

In modern age of stress and continuous struggle to sustain, people are so engrossed in their lives. They are disconnected on a personal level with most of the people around..the warmth of meeting, greeting each other is gradually fading away. In such situation a little appreciation everyday can work wonders. I have heard so many friends discussing and feeling bad that no matter what they do their in laws are never happy..I feel what applies to little babies applies to daughter in laws too..they are also new entrants in family..little appreciation of their efforts overlooking their mistakes can work wonders for family bonding..

Some disagree and feel what’s so much to fuss about if something is not appreciated..But I feel appreciation is not about thing or action. It is recognition of one’s efforts, intentions and spirit..It definitely gives satisfaction and pleasure. Impetus is very important in life. Starting from house help, driver, colleagues friends relatives we can bring so much energy and positivity around with a little quality ...small steps like appreciating a dress or earring, cleaning method or recipe, parking or driving many different ways we can make somebody’s day..this does not even require richness wealth wise but definitely can make our and our related people life emotionally and mentally rich.

So friends next time if you see or feel something good please don’t hesitate and bindaas appreciate..I am sure you would be more than happy to see the smile on other’s face..and you too would feel..jhakkassss!!!


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