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Positivity in Bits

In past few years January brings more excitement and zeal in my life. Reason being makar sankranti which marks onset of series of get-togethers of friends we popularly call haldikumkum. Every evening getting specially ready , meeting and greeting friends-family adds so much happiness along with the festive feeling. Not only it makes our children aware of our customs but brings colours to our daily routine life. I remember in my teens, teasing my mother for this traditional functions..feeling them so typical feminine, orthodox and redundant..but over years I guess I have realized the inner meaning of such events and celebrations.

Some time back I visited a reputed big hospital and as usual due to traffic I missed my appointment of family physician.i had to wait in waiting area for a whole hour. Since it was a common waiting area I started my statistical analysis of patients waiting to see different categories of doctors. To my surprise maximum rush was for counselor there. Over the past few years numbers of practicing counselors have increased visibly. This growth is definitely attributed to the growing stress and complications in society. In big cities like Mumbai most of population coming from tier2 and tier3 cities have their parents and extended family in hometown. Mostly people live as nuclear families managing on their own. Education, jobs, careers, competition start taking its toll. If parents are around this stress can be shared. But with nuclear families every battle is to be fought adopting a trial and error method. With tight time schedules even husband and wife have so less to time to communicate and share their daily stories.

The daily stress pilesup in some form or other..right from morning maid ,different variety in cooking, school ,tuition class, extracurricular activities, own physical fitness, maintaining updated wardrobe( pressures ) ..maintaining cars, excelling in jobs ,and so on..this stress over period starts showing in form of fatigue, irritation, anger and depression

I remember going through extremely low emotional phase post delivery..even though professionally qualified I had to opt for flexi option for satisfying my motherly craving, child’s safety and security.With no help of extended family around it was the most critical and crucial period..this started taking toll on my personality and my confidence. I started doubting my own skill sets. But one day I decided to dare something which I was postponing since long..i decided to start driving car.That one decision gave me new high in life. First time I put my daughter on seat next to me and drove ,it gave me happiness beyond words..This event was one of the positive source in darkness where I had started losing myself. It filled me with different form of energy which was unexplainable. This incident onwards I started looking for small positive changes. Changes which filled my life with energy which I used for combating and overcoming daily stress issues..i started conversing more with whomsoever I met. After a conscious effort I started understanding positive and negative energies of thoughts, events, activities and people.

Positivity is very very important in life to maintain balance at all levels. Positive energy brings immense peace and satisfaction in different levels of our lives. So many courses are being conducted now a days for increasing positivity. From my experience I have realized that positivity is gained more effectively by making little changes around our own selves. Daily self introspection to avoid bad thoughts, bad circle is a key factor.

Planting or watering a plant, singing a favourite song, dancing on dhinchak song, catching up with old friend ,cooking .. all give small doses of positivity. The smile which maid gives on offering tea ,a little thanks to the security guard, warm enquiry about old neighbor, a little help to kid in park ...all are small forms of positive doses. These doses act as free nutritional supplements wiping out negative feelings of insecurity, failure, jealousy, arrogance, greed and eventually depression…Over a period we start inculcating and nurturing qualities of love ,warmth forgiveness, helpfulness…

I guess that the festival celebrations which predominantly seem to be feminine were also started with the intention of spreading positivity among women who at that time where confined to their houses and household chores. Instead of concentrating on rituals if we try to find out something more meaningful from such get-togethers I feel purpose is more than solved .these type of get-together with friends family act like breezers in life.

Positivity gained in any form is like pillar of strength which comes to our rescue in odd times of our daily lives. Our positive mindset is like lamp that fills brightness around. One happy mindset can definitely make at least 4 people happy at a point of time. Its upto us how we spread the aura of our positivity and happiness, l have embarked on this journey of positivity with the belief that life’s law of motion is little different from Sir Newton’s third law . For me

Every action has equal and better reaction

So dear friends think positive and be positive


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