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Small Contribution. Real Difference.

“Didi can you please give me Rs 1000 as advance. I have to buy footwear for my brother. His college is starting in few days” my house help asked hesitantly. This was not the first time she asked for advance for her brother. After 4 daughters her mother had a son. Due to financial crunch her 2 sisters were married off early and other 2 are made to work to provide for his education. My househelp always expresses her desire to learn. But because of difficult conditions at her place she had no option but to discontinue her education after 4th. Now she is so happy that her brother who is one year younger to her is studying. She has enrolled him in best possible class and feels her efforts are being paid off whenever he passes with flying colours. I have seen her picking up fast whatever I teach my daughter at home. She is so fond of speaking in English. I have started teaching her basics of English and maths. But every time I see her making small sacrifices for her brother I really feel sad.

At an early age these girls have seen so much and have matured so much. They are made to believe that education is not of any use for them since they have to manage home and children at the end of day. Even if they attend schools the quality of teaching is not upto mark. Most of them fail in their board exams unless they take tuitions outside. Tuitions are unaffordable for them. So they prefer to spend everything on the son of house in anticipation that he will support parents and maintain strong bonds with sisters post marriage.

This story is in metro city. Despite of so many schemes and projects of government for girl child, the benefits fail to percolate to the lower level. The situations in tier 2 and other cities and rural area would be more or less the same or even worse.

Early marriages, multiple children, abortions are still so common among the underprivileged class. I have seen so many girls working in high rise buildings away from home to support their families. Most of them are just primary educated. After supporting financially their families for 4/5 years they are married off. Their only dream is to get married in good household with educated boy .This also demands hefty amount in proportion to boy’s education in form of jewellery, clothes, furniture. A part of their salary is saved to make up for this hefty amount. This is not dowry but amount given according to ones happiness is what they justify. This whole condition is so pathetic. We have a law specifying minimum age of marriage. I wish we could have a law which specifies that secondary education is must for legal marriage. Keeping them away from education keeps them away from all wonders of science and technology. They are deprived of the beauty of art and literature. They are unaware of basic happenings and events in their vicinity and city. They are not aware of advancements in medical science. These girls who are bearers of future generation are unaware of nutrition basics. They know how to earn money by working in households but don’t know how to live healthy enriched and informed life.

We as girls feel so complete in life having accomplished our goals professionally. Having one or 2 degrees under our belt. But this kind of situation stirs up something. Is there no way we can pull this entire class out of this vicious circle. Can we really progress and be happy with this kind of situation around???

Many people propagate that we should stop employing girls. But my experience says they are better employed with us rather than working outside on sites or fields in villages. At least they feel safe and secured. I wonder if we all can impart them basic education to make them understand the outside world in a way that they can sustain if need arises. They should be taught a little bit of number crunching, banking, atm card operation. We can make them aware of the various vocational courses available. One of my friends has started this and i really liked this idea. She has one 24 hrs maid. Every 6 months she enrolls her maid for new course -computer, stitching, baking. When I visited her recently her maid had prepared brownie by watching it on you tube. If we can make them complete their secondary education, it is the best possible way we can help them. So many jobs as well as self employment opportunities get open once secondary or higher secondary education is completed.

So friends lets all try to do our bit to improve the situation in bits and pieces.a small effort taken today can prove to be lifetime boon for the people who work so hard for us. I am also aware that many of us will feel this to be useless worthless social service. But for me its moral responsibility. We have been blessed to be empowered and being in a position to make a difference. So why let go off this golden chance.

Ralph Waldo Emerson has rightly said:

‘’The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”


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