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Help ..a call away..

It was pouring cats and dogs. My car was stuck in between 2 big vehicles on road parking. All my efforts to take reverse were in vain. My tension was on peak when a gentleman knocked on my window pane. He offered help and swiftly moved my vehicle out. In tricky situations help comes in any way.

From childhood my grandmother keeps on telling us that when we are in problem and when all our efforts are exhausted, we should pray and leave it on supreme power. We will get help definitely. At that time I didn't agree with her 100%.I always felt who will come to help always?? But as I grew I started believing what she said based on my experiences.Whenever we are in trouble we should ask for help...

In my primary school once there was some skit on teacher’s day and we had to wear saree after school hours. Due to some urgent work my mother couldn’t come in time. At that time I saw a group of senior unknown ladies being seated in school lobby. I went upto a lady and requested to drape me the saree. The lady was surprised by my boldness and happily helped me out. As it turned out later, it was higher school staff whom I had never seen.

It was my first month in college and I had opted for Sanskrit as second language. Coaching classes used to be packed with students and somehow I failed to understand the intricacies of grammar. At that time I was in real trouble since without grammar the language couldn't be comprehended properly. One of my friends referred me to her family friend. She was an old lady who taught me grammar personally on one to one basis .Within 2 months I was comfortable and so grateful to her. She didn't charge a penny. I passed with flying colours in my board exams because of Sanskrit. Till date her contribution in my success lingers in my mind. I consider myself lucky that during my education years whenever I needed, all my teachers were there for me to help me in every way possible. I guess if we are sincere and determined nothing can deter us in seeking the right information.

I always loved riding new bikes. Once on a bad weather day my bike failed on road. I hardly had any know-how of bike. One of my classmates whom I had never talked to was on same way. I had no option but to ask for help. That help went a long way and we became the best of friends.

I have learnt that in tricky situations we need to drop our inhibitions and give priority to problem. Solution can come in any form, in any manner when our mind is clear and we are focussed on problem.

Till the time we are at home or we get married we are comparatively well shielded. Our parents our family is there to solve almost all our problems. But once we step out of our comfort zones, we are in a whole new world of opportunities, different people, places, complications and problems.

I was new to Mumbai and new to local train transport system..central line western life..east many things use to puzzle me..I was scared and tensed but every time some or the other person used to be there to help me out daily and in no time I was in a position to assist others.. In a big metro like Mumbai whenever I asked for help it came through multiple ways.

Once I was alone and had a severe stomach ache..hubby was out of town ..I called a friend..she was out too..But a friend of my friend rushed to help me out and took me to hospital. I barely knew her. In such situations faith in supreme power is reinstated.

Recently my friend on a road trip in remote location in interiors on state highway, met with a small accident. Their vehicle was badly stuck up in roadside pitfall. But miraculously a group of men turned up from nowhere and helped them to pull out the vehicle and be back on road safely.

Even in our day to day professional life too we face such situations. The scope of work is so much that we can’t be expert at all. A little help ,guidance from friends and professional colleagues can help us in cracking problems.

Sometimes our emotional problems need to be shared too. With single child culture, nuclear families sharing and caring is limited. In such situations a little warm talk can be soothing in emotional crisis.Medical, Financial, educational, professional, domestic, emotional ...situations are varied..Problems can come at any time. We can try our best but if we need, help should be asked for..

In our childhood we are oblivious of hesitation, fear and shame..we ask for help instantly..we don’t get stuck up..But as we grow up we start building mental walls around us. We grow up believing that self help is the best help. We fear to ask for help. We fear asking for help will show our incapability, our crisis, our weakness. But fact is asking for helps shows our strength our courage our strong will to overcome the situation before it goes out of control.

We need to realise that we all sometimes need someone to talk to , someone to guide, someone to assist us, someone to be physically present with us. When we ask for help it helps us in solving our problems as well gives others the chance to ask for help in future from us. This way the collaboration starts.

I feel when we drop inhibitions and ask sincerely, help is just a call away. I strongly believe that supreme power is always there observing us. In tough times a small sincere call and it comes down to sail us through. As the song goes..Tuna Jane aas paas he khuda ...


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