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Civilised -Are We?

Today evening I went to a grocery supermall to buy some stuff. Generally I avoid going to such malls in evening due to maddening crowd. But today I needed something urgently and had no option. Thankfully the mall has a express counter for less than 5 items. I was standing in queue wishing to reach billing counter asap. The man before me was carrying just 2 items and I was naturally happy to see that. Suddenly a woman came with a trolley full of items, around 20 items and joined the man. I was surprised and ask her politely to join other queue since the counter was express. She flatly refused and man started shouting that she was his wife and billing will be done together. I was a little disturbed since the lady had not only overridden the rule but the couple was extremely rude. When they reached the billing counter the staff politely refused and requested them to join other counter. Staff member explained them that counter was meant only for small buyers and showed them the specific board on which it was written in bold words. She then asked me to give my stuff for billing. That very moment the man started abusing the staff and all educated people in general. His wife too joined him. He left no words to prove that educated people are hopeless and brainless. I am generally very impatient in matters of principles and I react very strongly. But when I listened to his language and words I was astonished. A strong man 6 feet tall, there were no security guards around. My experiences in Mumbai over years have made me realise that there is no use of indulging in verbal conversation with such people. I just ignored the incident, completed my shopping and got seated in my car.

I not only felt angry but a little helpless too. Being educated and civilised is a bane or boon in reality for us??

This has not happened for the first time. My visits to famous religious places full of crowd always leave back such memories. At most of the crowded places people if not regulated by force are seen pushing, abusing each other to take darshan fast. Are such places really meant for that??

Even on signals even before signal turns green people start honking horns asking vehicles to move on. That last 10 red seconds are crucial and mishaps can occur even in fraction of seconds. What is the hurry always??

Whenever we have buffet at restaurants there are few individuals who are in hurry to feed and serve themselves even if it means walking in between or pushing someone a little bit..

This is not the case only in respect of following queues or orders.

Swatcha Bharat Abhiyaan is so much promoted nowadays.But has it really percolated to all levels.Every now and then we get to see drivers spitting while driving on roads irrespective of the discomfort it causes to fellow drivers and passengers..yuck..

In India many people believe strongly in tying nimbumirchi to vehicles on Saturdays. But conveniently old used ones are thrown away on roads. Similarly wrappers, used polythene, cigarettes , fruit peels esp bananas and used personal stuff. All this waste make their way on roads and adjoining footpaths..

There is lot of improvement in hygiene and cleanliness of trains.But platforms are still in mess.I happened to wait on platform for 2 hours recently. There was a group of young couples with infants travelling long distance.Fathers were busy playing games on mobiles and their mothers bindaas cleaned and bathe their kids on platforms.They gave them biscuits packets and fruits to eat.All the waste was thrown by children on platform here and there. The elders dint even bother how the clean dry platform was turned to such a shabby place not suitable even to stand in few minutes.

My concern is that whether the education we are getting is really civilising us and if we are civilised are we in a position to make a difference in society. Joining NGO and social campaigns involved in such awareness is a different solution.

I as an individual with proper education and awareness but with limited time find myself helpless at different points to tackle such uncivilised behaviour. We as common individuals have no power, energy, money to make such uncivilised people rectify their behaviour or actions. Every time we cannot turn upto law enforcers too. Need is of instilling strong values which will have to be done by saam dam dand bhed initially. Till the time people become aware I guess instilling fear of strong actions is the only way out. Such people conveniently turn deaf ear or are ready to indulge in verbal or physical fight for proving their wrong actions right. We need some strong machinery who can curb their attitude and arrogance first. Then only some good manners, some civilised way of living can be inculcated in society in general.


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