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Wish Of Almighty

Every sports oriented movie or biopic generally carries some motivational or inspiring story.There is some struggle involved which leads to success and fame. Recently happened to watch the much awaited and acclaimed movie “Dangal”. Story of Arjuna award winners Geeta Phogat and Babita Phogat reflects our society’s mentality and day to day issues arising out of that so aptly. But what touched me more was story of father and daughter relation.

Mahavir Singh Phogat ‘s discipline, his dedication, commitment for achievement of dream and the entailing discipline and rules and regulations for his daughters are astonishing. The path for achieving pinnacle is very difficult and strenuous and he leaves no stone unturned. But his dedication and expectations become burdensome and a torture for his daughters. They get frustrated seeing their peers enjoying life when they are made to toil day and night for goals selected by their father. They rebel .But at a point they too realise and accept that the struggle is the only way to golden future. After that there is no looking back. The acceptance of hard times and fight has been rewarded today.

Years after years the struggle, the tough lifestyle, the sacrifices do yield rewards and recognition at appropriate time.I guess every human being has so much to learn and understand from their example.I was in a very bad mood when I went to watch this movie. My targeted work was not completed and I was really frustrated, so we went to watch movie to get a break. But the movie turned out to be eyeopener for me in that situation. It happens so many times. What we desire and what we get is entirely different. But what we get is far better and valuable than what we had desired.

“Man proposes God disposes” is reality of our life. We plan so many things but some incidents happen ,circumstances arise which altogether change our assumptions and conditions.I remember of having tried desperately to gain teaching job in reputed educational institute. It has always been my cherished dream of becoming lecturer. Several rounds of interview were cleared but when the confirmation call finally came I was busy with important family commitments and had to forego the opportunity. For so many days I felt bad of losing the chance. But then I got a chance to get engaged in more fruitful and more productive work which was equally challenging and interesting. May be if I had taken job of my choice I would never have attempted to go out of my comfort zone and try something new and more exciting.

The moment ,the time of despair is unavoidable in everyone’s life. If we see around we see so many examples. One of my friends was depressed for not conceiving even after 14 years of marriage. Recently she gave birth to a beautiful daughter. The couple had to face so much period of waiting, expectation , burden of social enquiries but their relation stood steady and they passed the difficult phase successfully. In another case a couple adopted a daughter after 10 years of marriage. They are experiencing immense bliss with the step taken by them. Acceptance of reality and action taken has yielded in peaceful and happy moments. A businessman's flourishing business turned into loss making unit due to sudden change in economic conditions. All the created setup ,the glory and the luxuries were lost. But his family supported him and gave the mental and emotional strength to withstand all problems and start afresh. A girl repeatedly failed to clear medical entrance exam but later became a scientist in her favourite subject.Such situations strenghthen family bonds and interpersonal relations.One should learn to take problems in his or her stride.

If we see and study life of famous and successful people like Henry Ford,Steve Jobs,Jk Rowling,Amitabh Bachchan,Oprah Winfrey we realise that they have accepted failures and move ahead.I guess life has its own path decided by supreme power.Like a strict disciplined father who has some big beautiful goals for the child the Almighty has devised some definite goals for each of us.

The goals, the path are different for every individual. So no situations can be compared. Some get to enjoy material pleasures while others need to toil day and night. It happens so many times. When a group of friends are partying someone may be studying to achieve some target or may be stuck at office to complete the deadlines. The most common example will be of losing or not able to spend life with someone whom we love immensely. The love we feel may not be reciprocated.Sometimes what we create what we feel is not accepted readily.Our hardwork our efforts may not bear the desired results in time span decided by us.

The point here is whatever bad happens or whatever happens against our wish should be accepted to be as per Almighty’s wish. The Creator is the designer of our destiny. We can wish and work to fulfil our wish but ultimately our destiny is shaped by supreme power. The destiny and its path manifests itself in the form of some person, some incident, some reason or situation.

Life may seem to be unyielding, worthless at a point but we should believe that if situation is not good it is not the end of the road. Accepting adversity and defeating it with positivity and hardwork is always in our hands. We need to be happy and at peace in adversity too. Whatever may be the situation we can derive gold from it if we are ready to put in our 100% patience, dedication, faith and perseverance. Everyone enjoys his or her own share of rewards in form of love,recognition,peace,power,money or some other form definitely. Need is to have faith in wish of almighty.

So friends it is rightly said,

Mann ka ho toh acha ... na ho toh aur bhi acha ... kyun ki woh eeshwar ki marzi hai..

If things are happening according to your wish, you are lucky. But if they are not, you are very lucky, because they are happening according to God's wish...!!!


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