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Grass is Green on our side!!!

We girlfriends at our casual get-togethers have so many topics to talk about. Some of the topics are hot favourites. Some friends husbands have Saturday Sundays off while some have only Sundays off while there are some who have their own business and have all Sundays working. Everyone thought friends with two holidays are the lucky ones. But post discussion conclusion was their wives are troubled since all days are spent cooking and looking after children, attending guests and handling mood swings. Exceptions were there but still most of them felt that a single holiday was more than enough.

Another discussion was of in-laws staying with them or in-laws staying at some other place. In both cases friends had something to grumble about. If staying together, there was sharing of responsibilities, they could go out for work without tension but loss of privacy and constant watch factor was troubling them .If separate there was absence of good support system and feeling that they just don’t care. Career options and career growth is also many times linked to presence or absence of in-laws at home.

Many friends have their parents and in-laws home in same cities. I always felt it was a boon since in one trip to hometown they can meet both. On the contrary all complained that they don’t get to spend enough time with their parents being in same town. It is better to have both set of parents in different cities. Atleast you get a chance to spend quality time.

So friends after all such discussions I felt that we human beings are really so amazing creatures. Same situations we have so many different views. We always feel that somebody else is in better situation or some other option would have been better.

A friend of mine was working from home post delivery. She missed going out and enjoying the corporate world. Finally she took the plunge, enrolled her child to Day-care and resumed her work fulltime. After some days she realised that even in that situation she was not happy and at peace since now she was always in dual mind as to whether justice was being made to her child since she got less time to spend and she was most of the time tired to cope up with energy levels of her kid.

Outside a gynaecologist clinic a couple was sad that they dint have child after so many years of marriage while on other hand there was a lady who was stressed since she had to undergo abortion twice for unwanted pregnancy. Even in children we can see contrast feelings. Two sisters were fighting when a friend interrupted them and said that they are lucky to have siblings unlike her who has nobody to play and talk with at home. A mother was worried that her daughter was underweight and dint like anything to eat while on the other hand a couple was scolding their child for being a foodie and constantly asking for variety to eat.

Like this and so on we get to see so many examples around us. A two wheeler owner feels that Merc owner must be super happy while on other hand Merc owner may be feeling burdened by heavy maintenance cost and traffic and parking issues. Even in official world we get to see so many situations. For so many years I felt that Ambanis, Tatas must be feeling on top of world since they own such big empires. But recently got a chance to observe lives of such people who own big business houses .They have wealth , properties, factories but it’s all like a house made of pack of cards. Economy, markets, employees, infrastructure, government policies, taxation system, fiscal laws are all their foundation. If any of them goes in unanticipated direction everything can come down. For people they enjoy all luxuries but real life is filled with risks, anxieties, strategies .They rarely get time to enjoy the luxuries they can afford.

So the point is every situation is good for one, bad for another. If we think a little further actually no situation is good or bad. We human beings attach tag to the situations. Happiness is actually a feeling we can generate irrespective of place, people and things.

This is easy to say and very difficult to practice. I myself have been through such turmoil several times. But many a times after being sad for something and after achieving what I wanted I realised that presence or absence of something is just an illusion we create to gain peace. We connect our happiness, our satisfaction to some happening or event. Many times events, people, circumstances are beyond our control. But changing our outlook is our choice.

We are in situation because supreme power places us all according to our journey. That is best for us at that particular time. Grumbling or complaining about something is actually a wastage of time and energy which can be utilised more fruitfully for more productive things. That does not mean we should not be ambitious or we should not try to change. But whatever may be the outcome, whatever be the situation we should learn to live in present and enjoy the moment. Life waits for no one and no one can be in other’s shoes. We should try to find peace in whatever we are doing, whatever we are having or whatever we are trying to achieve. Enjoying the process is more important rather than waiting or anticipating. It is upon us to extract the positive aspect of every condition and live a vibrant life full of positive energy and peace.


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