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Happy Mornings

Sunday supplement of a famous newspaper has a column dedicated to various celebrities. And one typical question is how they begin their mornings daily. Really it is interesting how all people begin their day. Mornings are very crucial. They are the foundation of long day. Our morning experience shapes to a large extent our mood for the day.

As a teenager I used to wake up daily early morning for studies. At that time absolute silence in surroundings with a cup of hot tea used to fill me with immense energy and helped me in setting up my goals and required determination. In summers cuckoo singing out of the windows in mornings used to be so delightful.

As we grow up and our responsibilities increase the morning scene changes a lot. Many of my friends must be experiencing this daily. Getting up early morning on sound of alarm even before dawn, cooking, packing school bags and tiffins, sending kid to school, managing maids, getting ready and then rushing to office. All this in just 1-2 hrs is a great tussle. Then dealing with traffic,taxi, autowalas,maddening crowd is a task in itself.

A small breezer in this rush can come in any form. I have experienced this several times. A hug from your kid, simple good morning wish from your family, househelp or cab driver is really refreshing. I happen to meet society friends in lift sometimes. A small conversation of two minutes also uplifts mood. Many a times taxi drivers are so well trained and well educated and well informed. Small discussions about happenings around make me forget the stressful mornings. I happen to cross a bank daily. Today when I was crossing the bank I saw a beautiful lady draped in a beautiful saree greeting with a namaste at doorstep. For a minute I was so glad to see her and then realised it was actually a cardboard cutting. But it was so realistic and I felt so fresh seeing her smile and pose.

Any such small gestures contribute a lot in shaping our mood and minds positivity. I guess that’s why there is so much stress on how we begin our mornings. Our days are filled with so many good or bad events, different kinds of people, places and energies. To deal with all we need to have our own reservoir of energies and good spirit.

Happy and peaceful mornings are the building blocks of our energy reservoirs. We all need to consciously shape our mornings to feel happy throughout the day.If we start our days just rushing ,or having a quarrel over petty issues, scolding kids for forgetting important things or in any manner which disturbs us mentally we have to bear the brunt throughout the day. At the back of mind that thought of disturbed morning lingers .Especially in children it has been proved that mornings and bedtimes are very crucial for overall mental and emotional wellbeing. So we all should avoid scolding or shouting in mornings when kids have just started their day.

It is a common scene in households that women of house are stressed and so anxious to meet timelines.On a lighter note my husband calls it morning fever phenomenon griping our homes daily. But seriously this unknowingly starts taking a toll gradually on daily routine and health. But friends a little planning in night can make our mornings quite better .We need to be sorted at nights about next day mornings. Decision making can be avoided in morning since we have limited time for considering options. Instead the limited time can be fruitfully utilised for some physical exercise, meaningful conversations, quality breakfast or small prayer to Supreme power. Prayers are powerful since they fill us with immense energies.

I guess this is the reason why many people don’t miss their morning walks with their besties or why people circulate so many good morning messages on social messengers. Laughter clubs, meditation sessions in mornings always amuse me. I feel they also play an important role in adding happiness and peace to mornings of so many people.

Homemakers also need their share of ME time or peaceful time after completing morning chores . A piping hot cup of tea, a small chat with friends and family or any kind of recreation can restore the energy.

All members of family men-women can consciously try to build up positive atmosphere in home in morning. Previous day’s frustration, disappointments need not be carried forward to next day’s morning. Mornings should always be started afresh with positive thought and new determination. If Work is properly divided, and things are planned everyone can feel sorted and get a proper time to complete morning tasks. We can make it a point to greet everyone at home in morning. Many feel that these are foreign habits but good habits need not have any labels. A small morning greeting with smile and hug helps in strengthening bonds. A simple music in background, tasty breakfast or a small compliment, all contribute to feel good factor of individuals.

In current scenario of limited times and stressful days happy mornings can come to our rescue, filling us with positivity and zeal.

It is rightly said

“Every beautiful is not always good, but every good is always beautiful. Being important is not always good, but being good is always important”

So friends let’s try to have and enjoy and to wish everyone around us good peaceful mornings.


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