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Happiness in Madness

“People are all crazy but the craziest are the ones who never allow themselves to be crazy." - Paulo Coelho

I have always been diehard fan of Shahrukh khan. So when we decided to relocate to Mumbai visiting Mannat and meeting him once was on my top priority list. I remember thereafter visiting several times,waiting for sometime in anticipation before his house and coming back a little disheartened. Everytime some guests visit us taking them to Bandrabandstand is my favourite activity .Recently we escaped stampede before his house by a fraction of second. Everyone at home was upset but nothing has changed for me. Throughout my early years of life he has been my ultimate icon, my motivation to do something, to achieve something in life. He makes me believe that everything is possible in life if we really want it. To see and meet him is long cherished dream and I admit it again and again. I know I’m not alone. There are thousands like me.

Right or wrong I don’t know, but this madness adds a little charm to otherwise routine, mechanical and competitive world for sure. The fan and being mad - feeling is in itself is so joyous and adds excitement.

I remember during schooldays having read about chapter called Phool wedya mai (story of women obsessed about flowers).This chapter had an everlasting effect on my mind. It was about pursuing something in life aggressively and forgetting the world around us . It conveyed to be mad about something-”Thode wede wha”.

​Really I feel we are so focussed, serious about everything since our teens. Our education, our career our family. We are always in rush to achieve certain targets and certain timelines. Everyday is more or less same. In such schedules we forget our innerself , our inner voice. During childhood we have many favourite extracurricular activities. During that phase there is no restriction about time to indulge in such activities.But as we grow somehow our small likes, our small obsessions start getting ignored knowingly or unknowingly. We tend to give importance to our formal education, our careers and somehow these small obsessions go to backdrop. Few people are lucky who translate these obsessions into means of livelihood or the way of life.

Pursuing some hobby ,some activity other than regular routine is like supplement to our quality life. Recently my kid started playing the rubic cube. She got so obsessed with it and keeps on playing throughout the day. Some people pointed out that so much addiction about anything is not good. But I felt at this age if she can be so serious about something its a welcome sign. Forgetting ourselves for sometime and getting engrossed in any activity is great. I have started writing lately. Being a finance professional number crunching, data analysis, various statutory compliances is my primary job but creative writing works like a tonic for me. I may not be an expert or good at writing but I love it.Such source of joy is sheer pleasure and can’t be expressed in words .

A friend of mine is doctor by profession and superbusy. But every year she completes the 21 km marathon successfully. I am really inspired by her. Inspite of her busy schedule she finds time to pursue and complete her set targets. This requires a lot of love and obsession about the activity

Similarly a software professional goes for Himalayan trek every summer. One of my sister’s friend despite being a busy professional loves to bake and somehow manages to bake wonderful cakes on regular basis. Another friend ,a techie loves to indulge in different types of craft.A homemaker is crazy about murals and makes beautiful art pieces.

Crazy for icecreams, cheese, chocolates, crazy for flowers, crazy for rain ,dancing like no one is seeing, going on long drives , watching birds, listening to music, drawing, reading ,singing and so on.All such activities keep the innocence alive in us. This craziness is pure, positive and not dependent on anything or anyone. It is feeling beyond expression.

Occasionally being mad helps to maintain composure in regular life. It helps to maintain energy levels, our mental and emotional stability. It helps to build a wall which acts as a shield to withstand all kinds of pressures of this stressful life. Children are happy and physically fit because they are crazy. We human beings have inborn madness. We need to identify and allow that side to be exposed occasionally for being happy and fit.

It is rightly said

“Sometimes, the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy.” – Matt Nguyen


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