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100% free-Invaluable Smile

At a recent party at a friend’s place all guests came in the best of their outfits. Hosts were at the entrance welcoming all guests with a smile and hug. I really feel that it is really a warm and ideal way of welcoming any guests .I observed some guests were reluctant to smile when they came. It is not that, they did it intentionally but somehow I feel the blank face took away all the charm and excitement.

This happens many times .I smile and people don’t smile in return instantly. Either they are lost in thoughts or they are really reluctant to share this invaluable gesture. But this really makes me wonder .

Have you seen expression on parents face when their baby is crying. They are ready to do anything to bring a smile on face of their child. Smile is so precious in childhood. Children generally smile throughout their day. And so they are so cute and fun to be with. They make us laugh with their gestures and smile.

We love children because they are cute,innocent and their smile is contagious .The same phenomenon applies as we grow up. People naturally like to be with people who make them happy or who make life seem beautiful.

I remember when I joined as a trainee initially everything seemed so new .All senior members were very strict and there were a whole lot of restriction on us. But we accepted everything with a smile and went on doing things. Smiling makes so many things easy. They too accepted us and in a short while we all were a group. Instead of direct resistance we took things lightly and the smile and joyous mood helped us to adjust in new environment.

I have experienced that in any new place, new surrounding a simple smile can come to rescue and help us in adjusting and understanding .It is rightly said -smile is the shortest distance between two people. There is easy acceptance for happy soul. I have a friend in neighbourhood. When they shifted from another state they dint knew our vernacular language and understood Hindi too a little bit. But my friend is so jolly and always smiling. In no time she made friends because of her pleasant nature and warm smile.

Smile is an essential accessory for looking beautiful. I feel wearing most expensive clothes, jewellery and makeup becomes worthless if you are not wearing a smile. If you are hardworking, toil day and night but are always tense and stressed the efforts are a waste. The work loses its relative value since people appreciate whatever is served with a smile.

Have you ever noticed whenever food is served personally with a warm smile its more than satiating than a meal served with a blank face or mechanically. We love to shop at places where the salesman are smiling and not irritated. Whenever we click photos ,we say cheese to capture our happy faces. We all want happy memories. I feel why not make everyday beautiful and all moments happy. Most romantic ,lifelong relations start with a simple smile since it symbolises acceptance .

I agree not all days are same. We have rough times, we have our own share of problems. Everytime we may not be in mood to smile. But still if we try consciously it acts a magic wand. It helps us to be at ease in any tricky situation and over a period habit of smiling gets inculcated in our personality. People who smile frequently have a good bunch of friends and social circle. You may not be worldly rich but you can spread happiness. Smile is really addictive and 100 % free.

Mother Teressa has rightly said "Everytime you smile at someone it is an action of love,a gift to that person ,a beautiful thing”.

So friends lets all live, love and laugh...


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