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Back to student-classroom phase

The pursuit of learning is not a piece of content that can be taught. It is a value that teachers model. Only teachers who are avid, internally motivated learners can truly teach their students the joy of learning -Martin Haberman

Last week I got a chance to attend a training seminar conducted by a premier management institute. When I was informed about this training I was a bit reluctant. The seminar subject was entirely a new area for me and I was really anxious. I thought I will feel out of place and did not really wanted to leave my comfort zone. It has almost been a decade that I left student –classroom –teacher phase.

Fortunately this seminar gave me golden opportunity to learn from best of faculties. It helped me to understand facts from book, their applications in current context as well as to gain insight from what is happening all over the world . Other and most important benefit was I got to meet to whole lot of people from all over the country. Batch of 30 people from different offices, different cultures, different schools of education were busy in intensive training of 12 hours daily. But over a period of 4 days we were like a close knit group sailing in same boat. In our basic education phase we are of same age group more or less. But here I got to share experience of learning with people plus or minus 10 years of my age and made some friends for life too.

Student’s life is so refreshing. I have always cherished my relationship with all my teachers till date. I guess outside home, it is one of the most purest form of relations.I have high regards for all my teachers since they strike a chord with our intellectual as well as emotional quotient.Teachers all around the world are involved in such a noble cause .Unfortunately it is not possible for us to meet and learn from all. But such kinds of short sessions give us some chance.

I remember during my last year of graduation, I really wanted to venture into working life soon. But now I feel we need to return to our student phase some times The world around us is so dynamic. In corporate world the ever growing competition is continuously keeping us on toes. We have to maintain formal interpersonal relations according to status and position of role assigned in corporate structure. Our innocence, urge to learn and understand new things or refreshing our basics gets to backdrop.Nowadays most of us prefer to refer to Google guru and try to find out answers. Self learning is good and helpful. But sometimes one to one interaction, live lectures have a better audio visual impact.Returning to student phase in a classroom brings us back to ground reality.

When many individuals meet and learn as group, the group benefits from the experience of all members.The different range and kind of problems all face and solutions for same are sought collectively. This way all members get better equipped to face various situations in real world.Learning in turn becomes a happy process.

Another important observation which I really appreciate is the humility of all teachers. I guess knowledge and experience are inversely proportional to ego and attitude. The humble and soft behaviour of such learned professors is really an eye opener. We can shed our inhibition arising out of ignorance and growing age and sought answers bindaas ,without worry.

I guess that is why ,all professional institutes and corporate keep on conducting various refresher and educational seminars and conferences. But most of us are reluctant to leave our busy schedules, daily routine and attend those. Friends I really feel we need to grab any such opportunity be it in any field since learning should always be on.This learning process is equally important for all fields,subjects and stream of life.

Leornado Da Vinci has rightly said,

“Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.”


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