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Happy Women’s day

Since morning my whats app and social networking accounts have been flooded with messages celebrating women’s day and spirit of womanhood.

As the day comes to an end I wonder what was so special today.I began my day the same way-getting up early, working in kitchen, packing lunchboxes, managing household chores, rushing to office, wrapping up in time to pick up kid, completing homework, making dinner. What was different. I guess it was the same with majority of woman around. Barring a few examples of ladies who went for shopping or who had some gettogether parties.For rest of women all over the globe the day was more or less same. Did anybody got off in office or did women got off from household chores??? I strongly feel majority will say no.

On a lighter note I wonder when it is an established fact that women toil day and night why do we not declare complete off for women this day. I have nothing against men. For me all men and women are hardworking. But in Indian society by default woman of house works more than men. There may be exceptions and men may choose to disagree .But here I am talking about all work taken in totality professional as well as domestic. Even in most of houses, househelps are women. Our maids too work hard to support their families. Did we give them an off today?I am a happy woman and I don’t feel the need to prove gender equality. Its not that we are forced to work, we do it my choice. But little pampering little break a compulsory off can refresh us for sure. Instead of hundreds of messages conveying all information we already know, if someone give us a few free hours we would more than be happy I guess.

The above can be taken lightly.But Secondly and most importantly do we generally have a surrounding conducive to celebrate womanhood.Today also I had to pass through Staring autowalas, felt the same anxiety when unknown man entered in office lift .Even now most of woman feel anxious to remove car from basement parking of malls in dark or drive late at night. We still look for company if we have to return at odd hours. We still don’t have proper washroom facilities in long distance travels. We have to worry about our menstrual cycles while visiting religious places or traditional households. Recently I came to know that in some sections of society the fact that girl has started menstruating is deliberately hidden to avoid society pressure of marriage. Because if girls gets married because of social pressures, she’s expected to give birth within a year or two. Domestic violence, verbal abuse is still prevalent. Even today as soon as a girl crosses 25 -27 years of age people start feeling apprehensive about her marriage. If a couple doesn’t have child and woman crosses 34-35 years of age society around starts feeling the chances of parenthood for the couple are in gloom.

But friends despite of all these negativities there are certain positivities. Since childhood we have been taught to count our blessings. So I have decided to use this day to refresh all positive aspects

I feel we are lucky to have parents who gave us a healthy childhood, loving environment, full support to choose a lifepath, to choose companion in life. I consider myself lucky to have got opportunity to learn from best teachers who were instrumental in shaping my personality and my thought process. My family and teachers never made me feel low for being a girl and never forced me to make some different choices. They tried their best to make me understand what is good , what is right, to have a opinion and to stand by my opinion. They always encouraged me to bring a change, create a niche and push forward in all aspects of life. They taught me to believe in the power of education, character and confidence.

I think we should feel blessed to have got a chance to take decision for ourselves and face the challenges, consequences with full energy and optimism. We as mothers should feel lucky to have experienced the process of life coming full circle. We are lucky to have option to go around explore new places new things. We are no more confined to kitchen and households. We have the power, resources, brains to bring about may be little but constructive changes in society around. We can contribute towards change by upbringing our kids in a more informed manner making them aware of equal rights of subsistence with dignity. We can bring change by educating the less privilege around. Today with easy accessibility to global information we are well equipped to face challenges at workplace. We have options to get trained for our self defence. We have whole lot of gadgets to keep ourselves connected to our emotional support system.

So friends though not 100 % but things are surely moving towards positive .These changes motivate us to step further. And it is for this spirit to face all obstacles and marching ahead with optimism and positivity I like to celebrate womanhood each and every day.

It is rightly said by Late Shri. Harivanshrai Bachchan,

Ruke na tu, thake na tu! Jhuke na tu, thame na tu! Sada chale, thake na tu! Ruke na tu, jhuke na tu!


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