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Aaja Nachle-Lets dance

Recently saw a video in which employees of a MNC start their day with 5 minutes dance.I loved this idea.Majority of us will agree that dance is one of the most celebrated forms of expression .But using this medium to revitalise employees is a superb concept. Many preschools start their day with 5-10 minutes dance session. They feel children should be happy and at ease when they start any day at kindergarten. This is so convincing and true.

Yesterday we celebrated festival of Holi with full pomp and joy.We all danced together for hours. From zing zing zingaat to tamma tamma loge to balam pichkari...All shed their inhibitions and came out of their shells.Freestyle dancing in group transforms everyone.Dance can really be such a great a medium of bonding. I guess that is the reason why no social event in India is complete without dance. It may be marriage celebration, birthday party,new year or any other happy occasion. We can see people dancing their way, forgetting themselves and enjoying to the core.

If we see history, women were confined to homes. They were allowed to step out only for family and close friends’ functions or else for festivities. During those times women use to celebrate all events with dance within their circles. Dance helped them to speak out and share their feelings and excitement.

Over period of time the restrictions and barriers are gone. Nowadays all are free to dance as and when they want. Various forms of dance forms have evolved. Dance has progressed not only as a profession but also as a recreational activity. The growing number of dance studios, dance training sessions, dance shows is evidence of same. From kids to senior citizens all are eager to learn dance today.

I myself have experienced that dance can be a great stressbuster and mood uplifter. Whenever I feel low just tuning into my favourite dance numbers and shaking a leg or two transforms my mood immediately. Dance can help us to connect with our innerself and to our inner voice.It helps us to bring out the emotions which cannot be expressed verbally.

Dance has been proved to slowdown aging process. It helps to keep our bones and Joints lubricated. Dance combines exercise with pleasure. Weight reduction is achieved without much stress through dance. Dance helps us to maintain our balance. By enhancing our happiness quotient it helps in building our immunity .Dance can be used a great source of joy for depressed individuals avoiding harmful side effects of heavy medications.Many of us are reluctant to follow a strict exercise regime or diet. For all of us dance can be a great and easy way of maintaining good emotional, mental and physical health.

We Indians are blessed to have so many music and dance forms. Formal training is important to learn the deeper and detail technicalities. It definitely adds grace to our performance .But friends i believe that happiness and positivity can be derived from dancing freestyle without any training too. From desi sandal to hitech music band we can enjoy all. Dance has no limitation of time,religion,caste,place. Need is only of coming out of our set boundaries and enjoying some carefree moments.

It has been rightly said,

Sing like no one is listening, Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody is watching, And live like it's heaven on earth.


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