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First Crush

Today I watched the Marathi movie “Ti Sadhya Kay karte”.The film revolves around a person who wonders what his first crush -teenage love must be doing and takes him down the memory lane. Finally he meets the girl and then they decide to live as good friends and cherish the beautiful memories forever.

The film struck an instant chord with my mind. First crush is a natural process and nobody can run away from it. Atleast once in school or early college days we feel attracted to someone who seems to be the most important person at that time.Our mind and thought process is pure and we are unaware of changes happening in our processor.We just get feel good signals on seeing and meeting that special person. “Pehla nasha” tujhe dekha”automatically starts playing at the back of mind.

I remember during my teenage days we din’t have any instant mode of communication.No mails no instant messengers or calls.Just coincident meetings or messages through common friends . There used to be giggle and gossiping. Everything used to be a secret. All this was short lived. This must have happened with most of us. The first crush feelings may have or may not have been expressed.Even if expressed it may not have been reciprocated.Few people may have transformed their crush into love and moved on.But in most cases it is just a short lived infatuation.

Those feelings fade off with time but I am sure most of us must have remembered that phase once in a while for sure. Now when I remember that stage I cant stop laughing at the innocence and the excitement.Its a carefree phase,small world full of colours. First crush actually lays the foundation of falling in love in future.It makes us realize that some feelings are special if felt permanently. According to a psychological study a crush lasts only for a maximum of 4 months .But experience of it lasts forever.

Friends I wonder whether all can discuss this with life partners so easily,whether all can be vocal about sweet memories.Unfortunately I have seen many of people hiding or covering up memories of that phase.They fear to talk about that feelings.What I feel is that person is not important.What is important is that phase which keeps the child in us, the pure happiness and smile in us alive.We all ultimately find the love in our life.But first crush is something which happens once and which remains throughout our lives.

The movie also mentioned an important aspect.Generally many people see the account of first crush on social networking websites atleast once but either with fear or with guilt. Is it really necessary ?? when the phase has passed out and when we have moved on what's the fear about???.Curiosity is a natural feeling and at some point if we have liked something about someone that is not wrong I feel.

Need is to recognize that if we are true to our current status and feelings ,our past should never bother.We should have good memories and anything which brings a smile is positive and good.We should be able to joke about our innocent our childish behavior.

Friends I feel life is too short.sweet moments must be cherished.We should be able to enjoy our past fully,love our present passionately and dream about a wonderful future .

Somebody has rightly said "Live,Love and Laugh".


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