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EQ vs IQ

The other day I was in conversation with a MD doctor pursuing specialization in psychiatry field. The conversation was naturally very interesting since it was related to human behavior. An important aspect of discussion was IQ versus EQ.IQ commonly known as Intelligence quotient is a widely used term .In comparison EQ i.e. Emotional Intelligence is newer term gaining importance gradually.

Intelligence has always been an important aspect of human existence. Intelligence is term used in common parlance for person’s ability to understand, reason, communicate and solve problems. Since childhood we stress intelligence since ability to learn and write is directly connected to person’s intelligence.

A person who learns fast, who excels in education, who is smart is considered to be intelligent having a good to extraordinary IQ. The need of good IQ is overemphasized.IQ is to a great extent genetic .All parents want their child to have a good IQ since it gives them an assurance of possibility of good education and stable livelihood. Various methods are tried to enhance IQ.Supplements like almonds,cord liver oil capsules are given since childhood to enhance IQ .

EQ is a measure of person’s ability to understand and control his emotions. EQ indicates individual’s maturity to deal with his own emotions as well emotions of people around him. A person with good EQ has ability to assess his own behavior, his shortcomings and his strengths. He has ability to control negative aspects of his character and mobilize his strengths for progress in life.

IQ too a great extent is inborn but EQ can be built up with proper training since childhood. People feel that having a good IQ is enough for having a good life. But reality is having a good EQ is equally or infact more significant. Survey and research show that EQ is very important for a person to excel and have a good quality of life.

A good EQ helps an individual to empathise with feelings of others. He can interact with different people and socialize easily. A good EQ helps to work effectively in a team. Human beings are social animals. To meet, understand and adjust with variety of people is necessity of every individual to lead a good life. Man cannot live alone. His intelligence can help him earn livelihood but to be happy a person needs to adjust to surroundings and people around him. He needs to have good circle of friends to share life’s journey. Stability of mind and behavior ensures less resistance to outer circumstances and changes. EQ helps a person to shield himself from effects of changes in outer world.

Friends I always wonder that we speak so much and are so fond of good IQ but why are we ignorant about having or reluctant of discussing about having good EQ?

Rising cases of depression and suicides is indicative of poor EQ.A person whose EQ is low is vulnerable . Sorrow, loneliness, insecurities grip such individual easily.

Building good EQ is purely in our hands. We can consciously train our minds .Similarly we can take steps to build a good EQ in future generations. Fear of any kind is root cause of low EQ. Children should be trained to understand and speak about their emotions and feelings. They should be made capable of facing any kind of fear. Children should be taught to tackle situations and new circumstances by recognizing feelings, problems and finding appropriate solutions without losing patience. Irritation of any kind is toxic. Children should be trained to accept failures with equal comfort as success.

For good EQ we should be able to control fear and anger. We cannot control behavior of others but we can be in control of our thought process and our reactions. Love enhances EQ. We should encourage and practice compassion for all. We need to accept wholeheartedly that compromises and adjustments are a part and parcel of human life. Strong bondings and relationships are possible only when individuals are stable emotionally and happy in their own space. Individuals can be experience feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment when they are at peace emotionally.

Friends need is to recognize EQ and if we see or experience dwindling EQ and consequent reactive behavior we should reach out to family, friends or even experts for help. There has always been a stigma attached to visiting counselors and psychiatrists. But if we see around l many successful people at some point of their lives have been through mentally, emotionally low phase Most of them have sought out professional help too.

Change is only constant in life. So individual at every moment of life needs to be prepared to face changes-changes in people,places,positions ,status .We Indians should consider ourselves blessed to have strong spiritual science which can be an effective source of building good EQ.With advancement of technology so much informative material and training is available online for improving our EQ.

Friends I strongly feel that in today’s materialistic and competitive world ,we all should work collectively and consciously to have a good EQ for promoting good quality, peaceful ,happy and healthy human existence and wellbeing.


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