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Begging & Humanity

Every time I step out of house and our locality one phenomenon which disturbs me is to see so many beggars around. Begging is one activity which I have observed throughout the city of Mumbai. Footpaths, metro stations, local trains, signals, temples and beaches, anywhere you go, you will get to see people begging .It is indeed heartening to see the plight of these people.

Over the years knowingly- unknowingly I have developed a habit of observing these beggars .There are many categories of beggars depending upon the age, health and attitude. First category is those who are healthy, young and beg only because they don’t have necessary skills or those who are not willing to work. They find begging as a much easier way out to satisfy hunger pangs. This category is happy in living hand to mouth. They have no dreams, no direction in life. They take and spend each day as it comes.

Second category is of small children who beg along with their parents, relatives or friends. These children live in open spaces with minimal clothing. They have their own world and are more or less trained. The other day I was standing near the lift of metro station when 4 children of descending age group came and started begging aggressively. The smallest kid was of around 3 years. A lady immediately gave that cute kid some money on which she exclaimed happily “aai paike milale” (mother I got the money). I looked around and saw her mother sitting under a nearby tree. She was monitoring progress of her kids. The elder one was a little shy and she just asked for cold water. A teenager immediately offered her Bisleri bottle to the girl and her thirst was instantly satiated. I have seen such kids often and felt really disheartened .Instead of sending them to schools their parents bring them for begging all day long. Some children sell books, flowers, toys instead of begging. I have heard they get a meager out of earnings. A few years back a very sweet girl had come to sell roses near our car. She had an angelic face and despite being covered with dust her eyes had a shine and charm. She convinced me so lovingly and patiently to buy the bunch of flowers from her. I remember for many months after that I used to go to same signal and always wait for her but I never saw her again. For so many months I wondered whether I could bring her home and take care of her.

Another category is the helpless and handicapped people who are really not in a position to work and earn livelihood for themselves. They are dependent and with no developed skills. Visibly at least they have no option other than to beg. Many times I have seen old disabled people. Either they have no family or they have been abandoned .

The most dangerous for humanity and saddening category is of people who are forced into begging by some people for satisfying their commercial interests. This category is pushed into begging by force and the sorrow is visible in their eyes.

I had heard somewhere that unless we stop giving money to beggars the activity of begging would not stop. Our every penny given proves to be an encouragement to people who want others to beg. More and more children are forced in this activity if we go on giving money to them. This philosophy though convincing is very difficult to implement. I wonder what the fault of small children, aged and handicapped people who have no option for livelihood. For them food is more important than respect. They are too dependent and helpless before situation. Considering our population even NGO’s can’t help in 100% cases. We don’t have strong social security system or are unaware of such system if actually available for these people.

Over period of time I have seen and realized that instead of money we can give these people some food items, clean water, clothes, footwear, toiletries etc. Many times these people refuse to take non monetary items at first but when they see we are not ready to give money they take it. I have experienced this many times. Small children at first refuse for biscuits and juice since they are trained to ask for money. But when I forcefully give them ,they accept and have it happily. Often we leave restaurants leaving unfinished –extra food as it is. We can pack that food and give it to someone on road. On festivals like ashtami instead of searching for small girls around, we can invite the needy poor girls. My sister has been practicing this for long and it is really wonderful to see small girls coming, having prasad and taking away savories ,gifts with them.

There is no more joy than to see hunger and thirst of needy being satiated. I fully agree that we need to discourage begging but what about humanity, what about the plight of destitute???

Need is of organizations who can come forward and start educating the children who are forced into begging by parents or others. In Mumbai I have seen few people teaching kids on footpaths. Also I feel that people living on roads should be discouraged from giving multiple births. I guess these people see more children as more income even if it means lifetime punishment for the newborns. For bringing change it will need power and will. But atleast we can at individual level contribute in bits and pieces. Instead of donating thousands to already established temples and religious centres we can all consciously try to provide little happiness to the needy and helpless.

Friends today when I am writing about begging as a sad phenomenon I would also like to put forward something interesting that I read recently.

Begging has been an integral part of spiritual tradition of India. I first wondered what it means. We have seen monks asking for food and clothes. We call it bhiksha in India. Giving bhiksha is considered to be a very good gesture. But asking for bhiksha is a way of spiritual growth for monks. This aspect is different from what I discussed above. When we try to earn livelihood we are fully aware of our capabilities, we gather all our skills and qualities and put forward our best. But when we knowingly and consciously stretch forward our hands in front of someone we have actually dropped our ego, our individuality and surrendered ourselves. Surrendering is essence of spiritual growth. This kind of begging is one of steps for attaining liberation. People who have started their journey on spiritual path resort to begging for dropping their selves.

Anyways friends what my concern is just to discourage the rising percentage of beggars in India we need not lose humanity. We can be a little sensitive and consciously try to bring happiness on so many faces around us without encouraging this vicious and disturbing phenomenon.


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