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Rich or Wealthy

Recently I got to meet and seek blessings of dance maestro Pandit Birju Maharajji.His mere darshan made me spellbound and tearful.Such unexplainable aura.His richness is evident in form of his work and his disciples.I feel all artists may not be necessarily wealthy but they are immensely rich because of their talent. They have the capacity to touch lives of people around.

Friends we often use the words rich and wealthy interchangeably. But of late I have started feeling the difference between the two.

During one summer vacation we visited our mother’s native village. A small village in Maharashtra with limited means of livelihood. We visited an aunt of my mother. She lived alone in an old house .There was hardly any furniture and their life was with limited resources. The summer was at its peak and we around a group of 6-7 members ,arrived at her place unannounced since there were no mobiles and telephone connection at her place. She was so happy and welcomed us wholeheartedly. She immediately hurried to her small garden in that scorching heat to bring fresh lemons and made amazing lemon drink with the cool pot water. No ice, no soda but it was one of the most satiating drinks. Then she made tasty poha for all and served with so much of warmth in whatever crockery was available. I remember her kitchen, utensils and cupboards. So less articles but so clean and well organized. The smile on her face and the affection still is fresh in my mind. I feel my mother’s aunt was rich though not wealthy. She had power to satisfy and make others happy despite limited resources.

My grandfather passed away quite early. My grandmother as a single parent to five children never ever made a fuss about the situation and condition. We have seen her welcoming all her children grandchildren, friends and family members with equal warmth and is still ever ready to toil hard for them. She cooks amazing food and never lets anyone go empty stomach or empty handed.

I feel such people are rich by their virtues.Friends we all see such examples around. People with limited material resources and wealth but having some amazing qualities which distinguish them from others.

Many people are wealthy but are filled with pride. Their lifestyle is lavish. They may be living in spacious well decorated homes but they not be necessarily courteous .We may immediately feel discomfort in their company.In contrast there are many people with average lifestyle but to whom we get attracted easily just because of their special qualities. I strongly feel being rich in qualities is much better than being wealthy and miser,rude and arrogant.

Some people have amazing sense of maturity; some have beautiful oratory skills or music sense. Some are very good story tellers. Some have huge experience of life. Some are beautiful dancers. We all have some special quality which gets expressed in some form of other. I guess such quality makes our life rich rather than our materialistic achievements.

Being wealthy is a condition which can change anytime but being rich is a condition irrespective of time ,place and people around.

My parents always pursued their habit of reading irrespective of their time schedules .We always had immense knowledge bank in form of their being well read. Small regular musical get-togethers are common at our relatives place. Many times new budding singers come to their place since all are hardcore music lovers and patrons of their music. These get-togethers, the musicians their experiences and their varied singing enrich our lives in a different way.

People who possess these qualities are satisfied at different plane in life. They have the capability of adding joy to life of people around. They don’t need any commercial resources for making people satisfied. I truly feel these are blessed souls. Stress, loneliness, anxiety ,depression rarely have place in life of such blessed souls. Their rich virtues make their lives fulfilling.

I remember we used to travel a lot by car during childhood. Once on a trip, our car broke down near a small village. My father searched for a mechanic and till late night the repairing work was going on. It was winter and there were no hotel or lodging facility around. The mechanic took us to his house -a small hut and his wife prepared a sizzling hot curry and bhakris for us. That gesture had an everlasting impression .There was no discomfort in their behavior. Finally it was dawn when car was ready and we took on our onward journey with a great experience.

Friends it takes less money but more of efforts to connect to people. We are blessed by Almighty with varied of virtues.These virtues add a different realm to our personality.Our Aura is reflection of qualities we possess.Healthy ,nourishing aura is always welcoming.

There is nothing wrong in being wealthy. We all are working for making life comfortable. But in this pursuit we need not forget that we are much above than just money making machines. We need to have healthy mind and body to have a good journey of life. We have been bestowed upon a golden chance by supreme power .Golden chance to live a fulfilling satisfying rich life.Onus is on us to fill it with richness of knowledge,creativity, awareness, empathy and care.


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