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Sources of Strength

Recently an interschool competitive exam was being held in a school. Parents of all students were standing outside the gate of school. I could see children telling their parents to wait there till the time they came back and all parents were reassuring them not to be afraid, they will be there. Mere assurance that our parents are just nearby gave them the necessary confidence. This is a common phenomenon on school sports day too. All children eagerly search for their parents sittings in stands of stadium and once their eyes meet their confidence is boosted multiple times. This used to happen with me everytime I went on stage for annual gatherings in school. I would not start my performance until I figured out where my parents were sitting in audience.

Friends, during childhood we have our parents, grandparents , siblings and teachers around us. They are our world and create a shield wherein we are always protected. They can read through our minds without telling. As we grow up and our world expands we have new additions of relatives, friends and colleagues. As we move out of cozy homes we naturally feel exposed to whole lot of new challenges which we call as experience. We may have to go through situations where we find ourselves in a haze and look out for something or somebody to help us out.

Few days back I was on my way back home in cab unable to think of any option. I had made up my mind to quit the new assignment which I had taken up recently. I was not able to cope up with the pressure and tricky situations. The assignment was a professional challenge which I really looked forward to some months back but today I was too tired and had decided to just run away from the daily struggle .My personal and professional partner was stuck up in meeting and I was feeling disheartened. At that moment I called up my sister and she immediately sensed up my confusion and my pressure .She just cheered me up and tactfully made me open my mind ,my day long activities and real source of my trouble. She correctly pointed my problem and helped me come out of turbulence calmly.At the end of our 15 minutes conversation, I was filled up with new vigor and energy to face the situation and take a logical decision. I could recount all the positive and good factors involved.When my hubby called back ,I jokingly shared how fast I had resigned and resumed work in just 15 minutes.

Friends we in our daily personal as well as professional lives have to go through numerous ups and downs. We have to deal with N number of people, situations and problems. We all need someone or something to rebuild our confidence, to make us feel strong and capable. Friends I feel age or experience has nothing to do with the problems or situations. With growing age just the nature, complexity or severity of problem changes.

Many a times the problems which we are facing are more out of our mental blocks rather than physical situations. Our thought process and our reasoning power may get blocked because of variety of social factors playing around and upon us. In such conditions there are certain elements which help us to put all necessary aspects together, clear our vision and see through the real situation. These elements are our source of strength.

Since birth we always need someone to share, to speak up to. We being social animals cannot sustain alone for a long time. Some people are exceptionally strong wherein they don’t need any kind of emotional or mental support but not all are so blessed.

Just like a charger of mobile our mental and emotional chargers should also be handy. Over a period we can easily identify our chargers- our energy sources. The most natural are our parents, our lifepartner, our kids, siblings and besties. But outside our core group also we can have great sources like some Guru, some colleague or some senior. We need to have people who understand our thought process ,our basic values and our principles of life. Based on our experience and character, our behavior is designed. We need someone to share all our feelings and thoughts, someone who can provide a direction or solution without judging. They need not be physically present or need not do any actual action to sort out our situation. Just being there, listening to and giving their opinions can work wonders. I strongly feel we need to identify and value such chargers. We should always try to enrich such relations. I feel we should not take such chargers for granted. They are the real treasures of life.

Typically once in a committed relation I feel every couple should consciously try to recognize and be source of strength. Couples who compliment and cheer up each other, naturally experience more blissful marriage. If a partner can rely and be assured that there is always someone to fall upon the confidence and zeal to go out in world is increased many fold. Companionship is all about understanding, sharing and strengthening. Even if fields of education, work and interests are different they can consciously try to mix and match. Rising cases of separation also reflect the fact that couples fail to fill the emotional and mental void.

I agree that 100% problems cannot be shared or understood by our partners. Sometimes both may be going through same situation or hardship. In such situation they may need to look out for an external source. Infact each situation may need a different charger. Every source may have a special and peculiar quality.

Friends we all need to consciously take some time out ,on and off to catch up with our energy sources. Meeting, conversing with our sources can create a sound foundation and give us an opportunity to share each and everything under the sun.Feeling of being accepted without being judged assure us of comfort zones which are accessible 24*7.

Friends I have realized that even certain places, music, books can work wonders. I have experienced a different kind of energy and positivity at certain places. When I am feeling extremely low just visiting those places fill me with immense positivity and freshness. On a lighter note just watching Shahrukh khan movie always brings a smile however bad my day may be. Meditation, singing, reading, visiting temple it can be anything. Just sharing a good laughter or cup of coffee with someone you trust or believe can work wonders. Just listening to a beautiful composition can inspire us.

Friends anyone or anything which enhances positivity, helps us to cleanse our minds of all depressing and negative thoughts. Living and sustaining alone, keeping intact our integrity, our confidence, maintaining peace of mind is not an easy task. Our sources of strength are the real pillars for creating a life full of happiness, peace and compassion.

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