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Ask- It's easy & important

I got into the cab and saw the driver wearing black goggles. I tried to confirm whether he was having any eye infection since it was monsoon and there was a wave of contagious diseases. To that he immediately removed his goggles and said he was perfectly fine. He was amused that since morning 2-3 passengers had asked him the same question. We both laughed and I was at peace. A few days back I was in a similar situation and throughout the travel I had kept guessing and worrying. At that time I had decided to ask henceforth then and there to avoid the turmoil.

I remember an incident when I was new to Mumbai .I boarded a women compartment of local train and saw a few ladies sitting near window. There was an airbag above their seat .So many women were boarding and disembarking but no one was claiming it. Even those ladies were busy in conversation and seemed unaware of the overhead bag. Almost six stations I was apprehensive since I had heard of so many bomb blasts in Mumbai. Finally I asked one of the ladies near the window about the bag .She looked at me and smiled. She informed that it was one of the co passenger’s bag sitting with her and there was nothing to worry. She further advised me never wait to enquire especially in Mumbai.

Friends this happens with all of us in day to day life. So many times we have apprehensions, but we hesitate and the confusion keeps on going in our mind. I feel being hesitant to ask is the real block in our professional as well as our personal progress.

During school days I used to have multiple questions and would never settle unless I got satisfactory answer. This habit continued during my higher studies. The number and variety of questions went on increasing. I was lucky to have teachers who answered all my questions patiently always. Many a times I remembered being mocked by friends for having so many questions. But the fact that since most of my doubts were cleared I never had to face confusion at the time of exam. I used to have a clear understanding of my strong and weak areas and helped me score fairly. Also it helped me in future life .Asking questions helped me in inculcating habit of leaving nothing to luck but to strive for excellence through hard work and perseverence.

If we consider education, keeping doubts in mind will always keep the basics unclear. There is a possibility of questions being asked or not asked about the unclear portion in exam. But how about the situation where we are required to apply the knowledge we have gained? At that time we may or may not have someone to assist so easily as in student phase. I feel we should never let any opportunity to ask and seek answers go away. Every chance is a golden chance.

Application of half knowledge can be risky. At workplace too it is not necessary we may be knowing 100% of everything but if we try, read, listen, ask we can understand all aspects of business over a period definitely. I feel our inhibition should not come in the way of our intellectual and professional progress. If we are really curious, we can definitely get the answers. Occasionally we may have bitter experiences in this pursuit, people may get irritated or may consider our questions to be stupid or silly but gaining answers can definitely give a larger advantage in long run. Important is to remember “There is no stupid question; stupid people don’t ask questions”-Olivia.

Once a staff member in our office did a mistake in work and left job without even communicating with us. Actually his track record was good and a small mistake could have easily been rectified or overlooked by us. But since he didn't even attempt to ask and understand the repercussion of mistake, he missed the opportunity.

Friends have you wondered how easily we use search engines to seek answers .Are we at equal ease in seeking answers in various human interpersonal relationships also. Many a times we are unable to understand behavior of some person. We start presuming certain things and acting accordingly. It is not necessary whatever we are presuming is right always. Body language may be deceptive sometimes. This gives a chance to misunderstandings. Chain of action -reaction begins. Instead if we clear our doubts in first instance there remains clarity and transparency.

Common experience is of friends not getting time to catch up or call. We can easily presume that person no longer cares. But if we enquire may be the person is genuinely tied up in some activities.

As per my observation in Indian society typical situation of such misunderstandings is between inlaws and daughter in law. In absence of proper and smooth communication both of them start presuming and concluding. If we hear them independently both parties seem to be correct and justified. I feel real problem is absence of proper and timely communication. If a family has to keep its bonds intact and healthy there should be scope for asking and communicating things freely without any inhibitions and ego.

Friends I feel sometimes we blow things out of proportion because of our ignorance instead of asking, simplifying and moving ahead. I understand life is not so straightforward and simple always. But I strongly feel it is in our hands to keep things simple to a large extent. Watching/listening and believing blindly can be dangerous. We need to understand what we see or listen. Assumptions and presumptions can mislead.

Children ask so many questions. They don’t stop till they are satisfied. We answer all their questions because we all are convinced that this is their way of progress. If we think further asking is the first step of progress , human evolution and every revolution too. Big discoveries and inventions are possible because some individuals leave no stone unturned to find answer to their questions. If Arjun had not asked Lord Krishna questions how Bhagavad Gita would have descended on earth??We are blessed to have guide like Bhagavad Gita because Arjun attempted to understand situation ,relations, ultimate truth and his real religion/duty. Enlightenment in life is possible only when we have urge to question purpose of existence .

Friends what I want to convey is that whenever our mind is perplexed don’t shy away to ask ,clear the doubts and move ahead.Life is not about confusion but about clear vision ,peace and progress.

Oscar Wilde has rightly said “The answers are all out there, we just need to ask the right questions.”


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