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Big Screen Magic

“A Number Of Images Put Together A Certain Way Become Something Quite Above And Beyond What Any Of Them Are Individually”- Francis Ford Coppola

Today the easiest and most convenient way of entertainment is watching movie at multiplex. With sprawling number of theatres and multiplexes I feel we are really blessed to have an easy access to audio visual treat.

As a child visiting theatres was not a regular affair. During Ganeshotsav the most sought after program was the screening of some old movie on huge curtain on open ground. We used to take our mats, snacks and enjoy the movie with family and friends in open space. There used to be huge crowd on both sides of curtain. That experience was really incredible.

There were a few theatres in our city. Theatres had single screen and we had to go to booking window of theatre to book tickets. I remember standing in lines for hours also to book ticket. Due to uncertainty of availability of ticket on spot , selling of tickets in black was very common. During college days we used to specially go to book first day first show in advance. Standing in line in anticipation of ticket was an experience in itself. There were no escalators or lifts at that time. We didn't even have airconditioners at all theatres. But we never had any complaints. Just going and watching movie with family and friends was a delightful event. Samosas, colddrinks like goldspot in glass bottles, local potato wafers, small salted popcorn packets used to be special attraction. I remember my mother packing up some special snacks for us .As a result throughout the movie munching used to go on.

Watching movies on big screen has always been an integral part of my routine life. This may be because my parents ,grandparents have always been fond of movies. I remember I went to watch Rangeela movie with my grandmother during my teens. Some school friends saw me there and other day it was a hot topic of discussion for all. During my ninth standard final exams we watched DDLJ and I secured first rank in class that year. Thereafter it became a ritual to watch Shahrukh khan movies before ,during and after each exam. During our training period leaving office early and going to movie with colleagues was a lifetime experience. However boring the movie was, there used to be sheer joy and fun.

I believe that big screen movies help us build special memories also. First experience of watching movie with special friend, with fiance is always special. So is first film with new born. I am sure in first movie ,most of the parents have to spend half of the time outside the hall cajoling the little member. But that too becomes part of the beautiful lifetime memories for sure.

Today we get to watch wide array of films made on subjects ranging from romance,rom com,comedy,scifi,childen,suspense,horror frequently. With the advancement of technology this experience is getting better day by day. No doubt we get to see movies online or in comfort of homes also but the experience of watching 35 mm or 70mm in cozy cool dark ambience is unbeatable .

Friends I believe the big screen films transfer us to a different world and relieve us from all the anxiety and stress for the time being. The whole audio visual experience blocks our processor definitely due to its sheer size .We Indians are blessed to have so rich and entertaining movies .We get a chance to laugh, weep,watch dance,and enjoy beautiful music in a short span of 2-3 hours.This kind of experience definitely is a tonic for our minds .It fills the void in life may be for little time but it is soothing. The experience is therapeutic too.

Stephen Chbosky has rightly said “If you are in a movie theater, you can look two people down and they are laughing while you are laughing or you can look three people down and they love that song that you love. It is living proof that you are not alone.”

However boring the subject of movie may be big screen makes the whole experience different. And if the content is good it is definitely a plus. Especially movies shot at beautiful locations give us a feeling of having travelled around the world. Social messages are more strongly sent through big screen across masses because of the impact on minds . The wide accepted power of cinema is proved by the fact that compulsory national anthem is played in the beginning and all stand in respect without any word. This phenomenon can only be observed in cinema halls. Watching films is also a great way of family bonding. In our busy lives cinema halls give us a chance and comfortable space to sit and enjoy an activity together along with some yummy food. It is one of the mode of entertainment which can be enjoyed equally by a toddler and a senior citizen .So friends keep watching and keep enjoying magic of big screen cinema.


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