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Love-The Master Key

“Jinke sar ho ishq ki chaaon Paaon ke neeche jannat hogi”...

This song I heard after a long time today and could not agree more. Friends love is indeed the most powerful thing in this world.

Recently a friend quit her corporate job and became a home chef. Her love for cooking has finally developed into a full time lucrative work. She seems much relaxed and happy now. This is not an isolated example. These days I get to see so many people translating their love for some activity into some remunerative option.

Love for our parents, family, and friends is most normal and we all experience that. Love for someone special or love for companion becomes the foundation of lifelong relation and so is the love for children .Love makes life beautiful and worthwhile. Love entail acceptance, tolerance and sacrifice with no regrets. Love for near and dear ones is the love we all have heard and experienced.

But in our daily life we can see and experience different forms of love which are very important and crucial for an enriched life.

Love for work is something very necessary to make our daily lives happy. Major chunk of our day is spent at work. If we love our work, we can have a better combination of knowledge and application. Entrepreneurs love their work and so can toil day and night without any complaints. For those in job, love for company-employer is very necessary .Similarly employers need to love and empathise with their employees to foster loyalty and commitment. Otherwise work becomes just money making medium and too routine and boring for all. Love for work is a key to happiness and improved efficiency and excellence.

Not only work but love for different kinds of activities helps us to have a good life- day in day out.

Love for learning helps us to understand things and have newer experiences. Love for reading motivates to comprehend variety of information on varied subjects. Love for studying is crucial to have a deeper insight. It needs a lot of patience and hard work to read, understand and apply the gained knowledge. This is not possible without love for reading and studying.

Love for cleanliness is one form which helps to keep all kinds of blockages and unnecessary baggage away in life. People who love cleanliness like to have everything spick and span. Over a period such habit helps to have a clean mind also. Clean environment have a strong influences on thought process. It helps to keep clutter away. Stable mind and clear positive thought process is possible in clutter –litter free places.

Food cooked with love is naturally tasty and healthy. If food is cooked just as a formality it lacks taste and warmth. People who love cooking indulge in various experiments. They spread happiness through food .Cooking is therapeutic for such people.

I always wonder how people run long distances and participate in various marathons. I guess it is love for fitness and exercise. Regularly exercising is not possible unless we love our body and love to be fit. Exercise requires lot of efforts and perseverance. Laziness and reluctance can creep in frequently but it is only love for healthy mind and healthy body which can push individuals for daily exercise.

Many people have beautiful gardens. The blooming flowers and lush green plants are indeed reflection of their love for gardening.

People pursue hobby because of love for some activity which relaxes mind and body. Such hobby helps to have a break from daily hectic lives and divert mind from stressful situations and thoughts. Love for art, love for adventure or love for any other hobby helps to explore different facets of our personality. Love adds to our happiness quotient continuously.

One kind of love which amuses me beyond words is love for self enlightenment. This kind of love is very peculiar. People who are absorbed by this kind of love adopt different modes for experiencing different levels of energies existing in this universe .They have their own world in this material world. They seek happiness in detachment and self realisation. Their love for ultimate truth sets their soul free. This love naturally induces love for all around and takes them away from feelings of sorrow, jealousy, revenge and hatred. Gradually such individuals are said to experience constant happiness.

Friends I strongly feel obsession-passion for something is necessary to have life in our life. To be happy and satisfied we need to love our life first. Being in love, being a little crazy about something help us to being motivated and charged. Love induces selfless actions. Life has momentum and life is interesting because of various forms of love. I feel love is all pervading and inspiring. Love is single most powerful force which can change anything and everything. Love is rightly called the master key to happiness.

So friends keep loving keep living!!!!


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