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Birthdays are Special!!!

“The more you praise and celebrate your life,the more there is in life to celebrate”- Oprah Winfrey

Come September and I feel different kind of positivity and energy. This being my birthday month I am excited and especially happy. I have always been fond of my birthday and eagerly look forward to this month. On a lighter note, those who know me start teasing that September has arrived and you must be craving for special attention now.

I really love the special feeling which birthday brings along with it. Over years I have realized that I am excited not only about my birthday but every near and dear one’s birthday. I love to wish and celebrate everyone’s birthday. Many times people around me wonder what makes me feel so excited about birthdays.

Friends I feel birthdays are special in our lives in many special ways.

Birthday acts like a breezer in life. Birthday brings so much happiness with it. Throughout the year how often do we get to speak and catch up with all near and dear ones?? But on birthdays we keep all our priorities apart to receive wishes and blessings from family and friends. This transmission of energy is a great charger to our mind and body. If we are in remorse there can be no better day than birthday to seek forgiveness. People who may have grudges against us also tend to forgive and let go on this special day. I guess this is a very special aspect of birthday. We get to share happiness with all around us by distributing sweets and goodies. Indulging in some form of social and charitable activities gives us a chance to spread happiness and joy among so many people creating positive and healthy energies around us.

Wishing someone on birthday also creates similar positivity for me. Their happy faces, the cheerfulness in their voice, the spark in eyes definitely make my day. Friends how often do we express to someone that they are special for us and we really care?? I feel birthday gives us chance to express our care, affection and gratitude.

Friends I believe that for being happy and making others happy we need to be self content. It is only when we accept ourselves fully and love ourselves we can be at peace. We should love our own self. It does not at all mean we need to be self centered or self obsessed but we need to be aware of our individuality. In our day to day lives we are so engrossed in routine activities that we hardly get time to hear inner voice or to be completely ourselves. Birthdays gives us that chance to connect with our own self in special way and love ourselves for who we are. Birthday gives us an opportunity of showering immense love and affection to our soul which may be tired and stressed in life’s journey.

As per Indian philosophy there are 84 lakh species and getting chance of birth as human being is based on our past karma. Isn’t this really a rare phenomenon?? I guess we should feel happy to have been blessed by supreme power to have taken birth as a human being. We have been bestowed upon a golden chance to realize our real self and free ourselves from the cycle. Have we ever seen animals or birds celebrating their birthday??Our intelligence is what sets us apart from all species and celebrating this event as a reminder becomes all the more important.

Birthdays give us chance of self introspection. It is a reminder that life is passing by and we have limited time in this human journey. Birthday is to feel blessed, to understand how far we have come, what we can achieve in future and deciding our future course. Birthday is to feel happy with our relations,with our achievements and to return back all the love and happiness .

So friends

Keep growing, keep celebrating!!!


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