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What form of Worship??

"Didi can I come a little late for 9 days? I have to walk bare foot and I will be fasting too during navratri”.My house help informed me cheerfully in morning. I was amazed by the ease in her voice. I tried to convince her not to come bare foot but she didn’t budge. She works at several places so I felt worried for her. But she had some wish expected to be fulfilled by the Supreme Goddess and for that she was ready to do anything .It was time to rush for office so I could not reason more with her.

Daily on my way to office I pass through small bylane. It has small rooms on both the sides. Daily I see rangoli before a tulsi plant and a small glass shrine of Mother Mary on other side of that narrow road. I am really impressed by the consistency of the residents there. Today I observed the shrine carefully. Inside the shrine there are two flowerpots made up from cut pepsi bottles with plastic flowers. What an idea by someone who cannot afford fancy flowerpots and fresh flowers daily .I loved the way someone has managed to keep flowers using affordable trick.

Friends majority of us are believers in Almighty and we Indians are blessed to have so many forms of supreme power for worship. The concept of many forms has given us all a lot of variety in modes of worship and devotion.

Every individual tries to adopt some method of worship as per his understanding, logic and social customs affecting him. Different practices are adopted as per one’s likings and determination level.

One of my great grandmothers used to go daily from river to temple by putting sashtang namaskars early morning .This was her way of showing devotion to her lord. Another grandmother I know never misses her Bhagvad Gita reading sessions. She reads around 10-12 hours daily. The constant seating posture has permanently created a bent in her legs but she is adamant and continues. One more relative keeps on preparing variety of sweet delicacies for monks as an expression of her devotion. None of the ladies are open to any changes in their style. They consider it to be a part of their spiritual journey.

I used to feel these ladies are not exposed to technological and scientific advancements and are therefore so adamant. But recently I have seen many young people too adopting rigorous modes of worship. A young girl was only on water during her religious month. I was amazed by her commitment despite of hectic working schedules.Devotees undertake risky long trips just to see and meet their deity. Their commitment is amazing. This is true for all religions.

People spend so much on festive celebrations.During Ganeshotav we get to see so many forms of Ganeshji in form of idols and so many varieties of decorations and celebrations. People are ready to spend from hundreds to lacs on festivities.

Friends my point is, we get to see so many forms of worship as per belief systems of individuals. A common man can get easily bewildered seeing so many options. Whom to worship, how to worship, what rituals to follow, what rules to be observed, how much to expend, what to eat what not to eat and so on. In many households there are restrictions on worship and free movement of women during specific days of month. This practice is religiously followed despite it being troublesome for many.

Questions are unlimited but I feel most important is our own strong belief. Faith in power which is responsible for the life in and around us-Power which keeps moving everything around us. The balance and harmony is maintained by a supreme power and this belief is what matters. We need to trust the existence of that divinity in us and then adopt any method which suits our understanding and our reasoning.

I have seen many friends following rituals followed and enforced by their respective families without understanding but just as a formality. They often crib.I feel when someone cribs about any ritual the whole purpose gets defeated at same moment. Worship entails love and where there is love there is no fear or formality.

I am strong believer in rituals and our verses. Every ritual and every verse has its own significance. But my point is if we believe and we do it wholeheartedly then only the purpose gets effected.I have never seen my father indulge in any special ritual however difficult times may be. But he never misses reciting his specific morning verses come what may. Discipline and regularity is remarkable. I guess that also counts in achieving our spiritual goals. Similarly I have seen many people just doing religiously their daily work and routine activities without any anticipation and expectation. I feel their work ,their righteous deeds are also form of worship. For many artists their art form (music,dance..) is an expression of love for Almighty. They put their heart and soul while indulging in such art forms and we get to see some amazing performances.

Everybody has some objective behind worship. It may be materialistic or non material .But in any case what matters is the involvement and commitment of soul without fear and compulsion. Friends I feel when anything is done from heart with determination it will definitely create necessary result over a period. Our devotion and our love is above any form of religious practice. Purity of thoughts and good intentions are important.

I really love what revered Amma Says,

"Your heart is the real temple. It is there you must install God. Good thoughts are the flowers. Good actions, the worship. Good words the hymns. Love, the divine offering."


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