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Mentor-Real Guide

“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you”-Bob Proctor

One of the characters in the Hindu Mythology which fascinates me a lot ,is Saint Parshuram considered the sixth avatar of Vishnu and one of the best mentors. Parshuram had received an axe from Lord Shiva who had also taught his methods of warfare and other skills. Born in a Brahmin family, Parshuram carried traits of a Kshatriya which included aggression, warfare and valour. Hence, he is called as a ‘Brahma-Kshatriya’ as he had skills from both the clan. He served as mentor to Bhishmapitamah, Guru Dronacharya and Karna , some of the super warriors as per mythology.

Nowadays I fondly watch a program called “Shark Tank ‘’.The program is about budding entrepreneurs seeking financial and professional assistance from a team of experts called Sharks. These experts if impressed and convinced, invest the necessary funds and extend invaluable assistance in form of their extensive market insight, expertise,experience and networking. Sharks become mentors to selected entrepreneurs and help to turn their dream ventures into reality in over a relatively short span of time

Friends, a good mentor is very crucial for giving shape and meaning to professional as well as personal life. Mentor not only imparts knowledge but also explains its relevance and practical utility. Mentor instills the necessary values and most importantly discipline in our line of action for the achievement of desired goals. Experience and expertise of mentor helps us to understand the technicalities and the possible problems and solutions in any task we do. Mentor shows the right path and encourages us to put our best foot forward. Mentor helps us to reach the last mile.

Friends, motivation is very essential in life. So many different kinds of forces are working around and upon us. We desire or dream of something and to achieve it our hardwork and perseverance is must. Sometimes our efforts are not well paid off. We lag behind or fail multiple times. To be successful proper direction and judgement is also required. We need to identify our strengths and work on our weaknesses. Sometimes situations are beyond our logic and understanding. Here the role of Mentor becomes crucial. Like a lighthouse, mentor gives a proper direction and insight. In crucial times a good Mentor by his advice and counseling keeps the protege's spirit high.

I have experienced starting troubles in work or task frequently .It is very easy to dream of something but turning them into reality is not always easy. During CA course ,once I got depressed just before exam and was thinking of skipping the exam. I was not sure about clearing and fear of failure gripped me. I shared my anxiety with my CA teacher whom I respect and trust immensely. A small conversation with him cleared all my apprehensions and thereafter I appeared confidently in all CA exams. Friends till date I feel blessed to have met some of the best mentors whenever I am in real need. Whether it was my basic or professional education, my professional training or current professional work, I have met some amazing mentors who are there to guide and encourage me wholeheartedly.

If we study life of successful people, most of them are influenced and owe their success to the mentors in life. Batting Maestro Sachin Tendulkar always attributes his success to his mentor, Cricket coach Ramakant Achrekar. The Socrates-Plato-Aristotle trio is world famous. The late Apple founder, Steve Jobs, served as a mentor to Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg during the early years of the company.

I feel whenever we strive for excellence, our longing for the knowledge and understanding of intricacies surely lead us to someone who is already an expert .Need is to keep our thirst and search on. Sometimes it may take time but surely at some point we get a chance to meet and gain from such experts.

Mentors need not be related to professional field only. For blooming of other facets of our personality and character also ,mentor can play a pivotal role. We can find a good mentor in any person we meet and interact. It’s very individualistic and personal.

Sometimes life seems harsh or events don’t happen as the way we to. We may feel low and our confidence may get disturbed. A Good mentor helps us to keep our life on track .Mentor helps to keep our thoughts and actions positive. Mentors make journey of pursuing dreams beautiful, worthwhile and memorable.

It is rightly said,

“Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you do for a living—if you do it well I’m sure there was someone cheering you on or showing the way. A mentor.” — Denzel Washington


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