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Last week of December

We are in last week of December and as usual ,all are in celebration mode. New Year eve is one of the important events and people all over world love to make it special. Plans are made in advance to ring in New Year with great pomp and joy. Most of us believe that year should start on a happy and good note. How we bring in New Year and first day of year is considered to be a small trailer of how our entire year is going to be.

Friends I feel last week of December is equally important for a beautiful and peaceful new year.

I feel this is the time to really rewind our past 12 months and understand the events that happened in our lives. Every year is unique. Every year is filled with some sweet -some bitter memories, some moralizing and some demoralizing moments.

In corporate world we are so much used to prepare review reports. We prepare budgets, actual reports and then variance analysis. This exercise is a tool to identify shortcomings, mistakes, corrective measures to be undertaken and making a robust plan for future.

Similarly in personal life ,going through the past months we can get an insight of what went in our favor and what went not as desired. We all have certain plans or certain ideas in beginning of every year. We make certain resolutions every year. I guess last week is apt time to relax and make a sincere analysis of our desired plans and actual achievements. We can then be in a better position to make realistic resolutions for the New Year.

Friends some people come in our life as blessing. They are the reason for solving our problems/guiding us/ bringing in happiness and satisfaction in life in some form or other when we are in despair. I feel this week is the perfect time to express our gratitude to such people who have made a difference in year gone by. I feel it’s really necessary to make them feel special for their gesture which has added happiness in our year.

All human beings are designed to make mistakes. We may not get a chance to apologize for our mistakes then and there always. I guess this time can be a great opportunity to genuinely recognize our mistakes or wrong actions and seek forgiveness. Also there are certain people who have irritated us or have made us angry. Certain people who have misbehaved or have intentionally/unintentionally hurt us or who have tried to disturb our peace of mind. This is a time to forgive such people and just let go off bad memories. It is not necessary to get friendly with the concerned person but at least for our own sake, at our personal level we can just let go off bad times. Deleting such memories works to our own benefit. Scanning and cleaning our hard disk of any virus of such kind, boosts the productivity and creates space for good memories which are to be cherished life long.

We make so many new friends, alliances, associations every year. This is a time to catch up with all and to refresh our relationships and bonds. Even if we can’t meet physically we can at least message or call them as a gesture of recognition and importance in our lives of all such relations.

Friends, I feel such small actions and gestures can go a long way in strengthening our bonds. If foundation is strong then only new dreams can turn into reality and future can be really fruitful. This week is the time to strengthen our foundation and then plan for a beautiful new year. Our physical and emotional well being, our family, relations and work are all dependent on our clarity, hardwork and our positive efforts .This is the time to rewind, refresh, rework and redesign our dreams. I feel we should not carryover any negative baggage in our journey and this time is the best to plan for new station and offloading all unnecessary stuff.

So friends, wishing you all a productive last week as also a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!!!


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