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I was in the basement parking of my building when suddenly 2 dogs came towards me ferociously. I screamed loudly and for a few minutes was too numb to even reach to my car. A watchman standing nearby ,then came and tried to convince me that the dogs won't do anything.They were just playing and there was nothing to be afraid of. This was not the first time.It happens with me everytime I see a dog.People around me fail to understand,why I get so scared but this fear is uncontrollable. I myself have tried to reason this out but have failed miserably.

I remember at the time of pursuing CA, one of my friends used to get allergy attack at the onset of exam everytime. A friend of mine knows driving but never drives a four wheeler. Reason is unknown but she travels in her vehicle only when driver is available.Once we were travelling and I had to attend an important call.I tried to convince her to drive but she din't budge. Recently, I met a lady who never travels alone in life. She always looks for someone to accompany her or else uses the stairs.If we look around, we find so many examples on and off of some or the other kind of fear.

Friends,Fear is such a small word but has a remarkable impact on life of many.

When we shifted to Mumbai I was petrified of travelling in local train. After being accompanied by hubby for first few days, one fine day I decided to travel alone. First few trains I could not board because of the speed and aggressive behavior of regular travellers. An aged uncle watching my plight ,came and advised me that I would have to wait there for whole day if I din't dare. Secondly, people would identify easily that I am an outsider. His advice worked wonders and I boarded the next train confidently. There was no looking back thereafter.

I could deal with my fear at that time but this is not the case always. Many of us have so many fears which are inherent and we can’t get over them however hard we try.

I have seen many people mocking and making fun of a person’s fear. I really feel sad in such cases.

I agree, we all should try to conquer our fears and live confidently. But it is much easier to say than to implement in real life. No one likes to live in state of fear and anxiety. A person in fear is already sad and emotionally disturbed at that moment. By making fun or gossiping about that fear just adds to the person’s despair.

Friends ,there are certain factors which work beyond our control. In some cases , root cause of fear is traceable to some event in early years of life which people around are not aware of. A person who had a miserable breakup with his companion may get excessively possessive or insecure in life in case of other relations. A mother who has conceived after multiple abortions may always be extra cautious in case of her child.

Stories or incidents heard during childhood also play a pivotal role in developing fears. Many times the root cause of fear is untraceable and makes no sense. In recent times ,past life regression therapy has come up which believes that root cause of fear may be related to past life.

Whatever may be the root cause ,traceable or non traceable, I feel person in fear is never happy in being so. Life is not easy to live with any kind of fear. If any child is afraid , we all deal with the child so patiently and lovingly but not so in case of adults. Knowingly or unknowingly fear in adult is not handled so sensitively.

I always feel, we all need to be little sensitive towards fear of our near and dear ones. Rather than making it a subject of some discussion, we can extend our support and confidence to the concerned person. Sometimes such support can work wonders and help in wiping out the fear completely .If not it can definitely uplift the person's morale and help in regaining the stability of disturbed mind.


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