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Speak Up

Today I was in a telephonic conversation with a close friend who has known me for more than a decade . My friend interrupted me in between and observed I was speaking so fast and so much and earlier I was such a silent introvert person. Yes ,over the years I have learnt to speak up a lot.

I remember being the second child and having an elder sister with excellent communication and social skills, I was always saved from the effort of talking to people. I was really introvert and happy with close inner circle consisting of family and few friends. But when my sister got married I really felt the need to talk and gradually post graduation and post marriage I found myself in a world where to meet, know, understand and to build up new relations I had to really speak up my mind.

Friends, if we observe the world around us, communication is the most important factor affecting lives of one and all. People who are able to communicate effectively and openly are generally the ones who are more sorted and comparatively adjust more easily to circumstances.

At personal level for any relation to build up and grow there should be free flow of thoughts and ideas. We are not yet blessed by Almighty to understand the language of silence and others thought process at the very first instance. At nascent stage one need to speak up to make understand his or her thought process, likes dislikes and preferences. Over the years once relation becomes steady and strong ,this need of speaking up gradually decreases. We all need to take efforts to establish communication with any person with whom we need to bond up with. This is true for any relation-lover, friend, relatives, colleagues, neighbors, students and so on.

It needs a lot of conscious effort for any new family member to be wholeheartedly accepted .This can easily happen when there is two way communication. In every parent-child relation speaking up is important. Parents have a moral responsibility to establish a communication channel wherein the child should feel free to express the way he or she wants without any inhibitions and loss of words. This is crucial because .only when the children have this confidence of speaking up they can confide in high and low times of life and don’t get lost in wrong direction.

At workplaces too one needs to speak up for establishing cordial and healthy relation with peers and seniors. One needs to learn to put up ideas and suggestions effectively. An employee and an organization can grow when there is mutual understanding and proper communication of challenges, problems, solution and ideas.

Yesterday I watched a video of a social activist who was urging to speak up for our own selves in life. I really wondered how many times we really speak up fearlessly for our own right. A colleague at workplace really irritates me by humming a song without reason. I never speak up or complain thinking that for a few minutes irritation why I should be the reason of discussion for all. But if we see in long run my keeping silence is a way of encouraging such behavior.

We hear about so many cases of suicides. Are they not an outcome of emotional choke up ?? I always feel if there is set of people whom one can talk to or share stress, such incidences can be averted.

Speaking up is actually a great way of living good healthy life. I don’t feel we need many people but we need to identify set of people in our lives with whom we are able to share different aspects of our life. It’s not necessary it may be our life partner or companion always. We get to meet so many varied personalities in day to day lives. We need to identify avenues to share and exchange our ideas and feelings. We can understand problems and explore possibilities only when we openly communicate.We get to understand so many beautiful things life has to offer only when we communicate with different kinds of people.

I find blogging a great way of opening up my mind. Similarly every individual can search for some or other form of letting the inner persona out.

World can be a beautiful place for those who can move and live freely without any baggage and an immensely crowded place for lonely souls. Only speaking up a little can make all the difference.


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