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Recently I watched SRK's interview wherein he talked about Dissent and importance of Discussion in biggest democratic nation. It was discussion regarding macro level issues. I feel same is applicable in our day to day lives at micro level too. The unique character which sets apart human beings is power to think and rationalize. Human race has evolved and revolutions have been possible due to power to think. Every individual has an independent thought process .Consequently dissent-difference of opinion or disagreement is common in any humane relation.

Few years back decision making ,vested in hand of elders of the house since they were considered to be more experienced and mature .Today the scenario has changed to a large extent. Kids are exposed to multiple events and information inside and outside homes . All members are equipped with a whole lot of information, have access to wider choices and are better placed to rationalize because of individual logic.They generally do not settle on any decision unless they are fully convinced. Within families disagreements are bound to happen.Enforcing decisions without logical reasoning creates irritation and anger which if not addressed, is bound to vent out in some or other form for sure. “Spare the rod and spoil the child” is no longer true. A healthy and more peaceful option is to sit and discuss what everyone feels. Discarding anything on face is actually giving rise to more friction. Listening plays a crucial role in any communication to arrive at consensus. Sometimes even children can have better ideas, solutions or opinion. Patience is the key. We need to set an example for our kids’ .If we listen to our kids patiently and respect their individuality ,I am sure in long run they will pay heed to what we are saying. It’s not compulsory to accept blindly whatever kids say but we should give them a chance to put forward their opinions . We can show them examples to make them understand our view point. They should understand that in any family unit there is bound to be disagreement which can be sorted out with discussion. Opinions Vis-a -vis facts Vis -a-vis past experiences Vis-a -Vis possible risks/ loss/pain in outcome of proposed decision should be discussed. This may seem to be time consuming but if we try and start practicing I’m sure it can become a way of life. This helps everyone to approach life situations in a sorted manner. No one is being sidelined and everyone feels respected and understood. .One needs to understand that there is no need to use force or dominate to make our voice being heard.

We meet people from all walks of life. Everyone is being brought up in different style and hence the character is bound to be different. We need to respect differences. Categorising the differences into good or bad holds no relevance in relationships.

It is natural that when two people meet there is bound to be dissent. Important is that any communication should not touch the foundation of any good relation. Sometimes even best of friends turn strangers because of certain disagreements. I sincerely feel when we include someone in our inner circle we should accept the differences too. No dissent should be so big that it results in creating a gap in minds. We need to identify the points of disagreements and address them in time. There are bound to be certain topics on which there may be no consensus even after discussion .But at least we can peacefully accept those differences and move ahead in life. Rejecting or avoiding someone or for that matter hating someone is not the solution in long run.

In big residential societies thousands of people live together. There are issues, problems and disagreements. But still people by way of committees and representatives try to discuss and sort out issues in best possible manner.

Healthy and high productive work at workplaces is possible when people feel free and respected. Work should be a source of satisfaction along with money. Channels of communication should be open for employees to have tension free access to their seniors. They should be able to voice their opinions, ideas, problems and concerns. This can make them feel connected to the organization as a whole and workplace becomes a second home. If there is dissent and there is no scope for discussion, people work as compulsion and frustration starts creeping in. It may not be feasible for management to listen to each and everyone. Atleast a system should be in place where different levels of access are made available in case of need so as to ensure that each one feels being a part of the ship.

This may be very easy to say and difficult to practice in real life. But losing relation is more painful. If we value any relation or association we need to safeguard it. We need to work on our skills to communicate and make people understand our views effectively.

I’m sure most of us will agree to have some stressed or bad relations because of miscommunication or disagreements. Personally I could had better relations with some people in life if I would have tried having better conversations with them before parting ways. Life teaches us some important lessons but we realize them after a long time. When I saw SRK's interview I could not agree more.

Discussion over dissent is the only way to nurture and safeguard any bond .Small disagreements can turn into big ego clashes and reason of divisions. Compromises are part and parcel of human life. If we don’t keep aside our individual preferences sometimes, life would be difficult and we would be alone.

To live in society, to be surrounded by people whom we love and who love us, to work with people who motivate us, who care for us ,to hang out with people who make us happy and set our soul free we need to listen, respect and communicate.


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