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Illusion called Tomorrow

When I complained of the daily traffic and commuting problem in the metro city I live, one of my friends suggested deurbanization can be a solution .Yeah...I have always dreamt of having a beautiful home amidst lush greenery . I have always been thinking that post retirement will execute this plan in some village amongst mountains. Then I wondered really how hopeful have God made us all. I am willing to live in polluted, crowded ,hectic ,competitive and frustrating environment for my major part of life in anticipation of peaceful old age. I am not ready to relocate now but have made plans for 20-25 years from today.

Isn't this we all experience day in day out...We all go on running in current scenario behind something but keep some beautiful ideas ,dreams for fulfillment in future. Planning for future and rational thinking is good. But most of us get so engrossed in achieving the plans that we forego our present moments. What initially starts as a career or profession in youth ,becomes our life in no time and we forget the real essence of life.

We all work for better tomorrow but how many of us actually try to make present better. I have always been laid back in fitness thinking of starting some regime when I get some free time. For so many years I postponed on same logic. But recently I met some amazing fitness enthusiasts who made me realize that if I don’t steal some present moments for fitness ,my dream of having a fit future was in gloom. The time to start anything good is now. Small current alterations in lifestyle can have a huge positive impact on present as well as future life.

In a city like Mumbai ,most of the people spend around 14-15 hours working for 5- 6 days in week. Then most of us want to have lifetime fun on the weekly off. My question always is ,do we strive for entire week only to get 6-7 hours of peace and family life??? Our children live in day care or with caretakers just to spend some quality time on weekends and family vacations.Whom are we earning for ?If we are earning to give a better future to our children, does making their present better not our responsibility???Work is important but living good quality life is equally important. Isn’t it? Sacrificing our present beautiful moments in anticipation of some golden future is really correct always???

One of my aunts was very obsessed with the idea of sending her son abroad for further studies. Since his childhood she left no stone unturned to ensure that he went abroad. The son had no say and obeyed like a dutiful boy but somehow in this aggressive pursuit he got emotionally cut off. Initially after he went she was super happy and proud but when he settled there she started missing him and later on repenting too. Throughout his childhood she spent time disciplining him and striving and now feels lonely and sad. Another couple I have seen planning and saving for ages in anticipation of world tour post retirement. They din't travel anywhere in their active young life for saving money. But now when they have retired, they have a circle of friends like BP, diabetes, spondylysis. They have to think hundreds of time before planning any long trip.

Isn’t this reality actually a tragedy of life? Future is an oasis which we imagine and go on travelling ignoring small puddles or ponds on our way which also we can enjoy.

One of my friends frequently have haircuts with different styles. She has such a beautiful hair.I asked her why she keeps on experimenting so much and don’t keep long hair instead. She replied that we should make hay while Sun is shining. She is experimenting when she is sure about her healthy hair.What’s the use of experimenting in latter life when the shine or growth will fade away or not experimenting at all??.

Small day to day examples like postponing decision to buy good furniture on shifting to own home, dream to wear particular outfit on reducing weight, dream to visit a particular place or pursuing some activity all reflect our obsession with future. The most common example is people turning to spirituality after they become senior citizens or people planning to visit religious centres in old age. Is it written anywhere that such trips or search for God or ultimate truth of life is for tired souls and bodies???

We are so focused on things happening in future that we let go present in that anticipation. We attach conditional tags...if this happens I will do this, if this happens I will go to some place, if this happens I will forgive and so on …If something happens, when something happens are all possibilities. But bitter reality is Man proposes and God disposes.

Friends, what I’m trying to convey is ,wishing a beautiful future is natural and working for it is good. But in that pursuit we need not lose focus on our present. Living each moment in a truly fulfilling manner is real essence of living. Living is not just passing time in anticipation of future. Living is adding life ,adding value, adding meaning to each breath- each moment.

We need to understand "kashasathi kay" which means what for what??

If we sacrifice current fitness in pursuit of monetary gains, there is definite possibility of spending huge chunk of same on health in future. If we don’t explore places and people when we are energetic, when we are physically capable what is the guarantee that we will be fit enough in future for same. I’m not saying we all can take expensive trips always as and when we want .But yes at least we can have short breaks to fulfill our desires and experiment the word around. Activities which ignite passion in us may not be source of livelihood but they can definitely make our present worthwhile if pursued regularly. What is wrong in taking up our passion on regular basis by sacrificing some career goals? A promotion or increment, a big profit figure or big accomplishment may be postponed but happiness and satisfaction of pursuing activity we love is much more fulfilling definitely.

We get to live only once.We all have a limited time span and we don’t even know the length of our journey. We are planning for stations when we are not even sure of reaching there. Friends, money is important and so is good stable future. But ultimate truth of life is uncertainity. We need to be conscious of this reality. A balance needs to be sought in current life. I always feel that I should live in a way that I don’t have regrets later. A happy, satisfied ,peaceful current life is more important than having a monetarily secured future. Our experiences travel with us and not our earnings and savings. Our loved ones remember moments spent with us .We all are bound by some duties and responsibilities. Being fit, happy, fulfilled should also be one of our responsibilities. We need to have a reality check for this purpose on regular basis.

It’s rightly said,

"Live like you will die tomorrow. Dream like you will live forever".


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