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Woman Power

I was in conversation with my physiotherapist friend today. For the past few years, I have seen her working for long hours. Even at 9 pm she is so patient with all her patients. I was really curious how she could work for 14-15 hours a day without any complaints or stress. She gave all credit to her family especially her in laws. She narrated how her mother in law takes care of all household chores, even her full day nutritious food boxes and she has nothing to worry on personal front. I was really happy to see how well she could extend her professional services because of unconditional support from her mother in law.

Few days back similar story was shared by a gynecologist friend. Being a gynecologist and being attached to a reputed hospital, she is required to visit hospital at odd hours too. Her husband is also doctor and son is young. For their professional commitments, her mother in law decided to shift from her hometown to Mumbai.Medical profession is absolutely demanding and fulfilling too. These women can work wholeheartedly because of support from their mother -in- laws.We have often heard mothers' being supporting. But mother in laws supporting without complaints is good news for all the working ladies who are always in a fix how to manage both fronts.

A friend is required to travel frequently out of town for work reasons.Her in laws are quite old.But her family supports her endeavor to do some fulfilling professional work. She has a full time house help who manages every front efficiently. My friend can travel and work without worrying much. No one ever complains of her working pattern. Her house help takes care of behind the scenes perfectly. I feel this kind of support extended by a woman to another woman leads to real women em-powerment.

I strongly feel that society can change when the households change their set pattern of thinking and expectations. Tiff between in-laws and daughter in laws is not uncommon. My experience is that most of the cases problems or criticism creeps in household for a woman from another woman.Positive and progressive change is possible to a large extent when woman change. Onus is woman of household to influence all family members to extend unconditional support to all to grow.

Woman need not be judged for her preferences, her choices and her lifestyle.

Not only at home but in outside world also, women can be a great support system for each other. Our housing society has a watsapp group of all female residents. It is a lifeline for all of us. Majority of us are nuclear families and this group is a ready reckoner for all information needs .All ladies are so helpful and cooperating. All stand together and united to address any kinds of problem whether of individual or common for our residential complex. Similarly our locality has a social networking group. It not only solves all queries but is also a great platform for all ladies to grow up socially, personally and professionally.

For me all these are symbol of women power and means of woman empowerment.

A small girl used to accompany her mother to work at my mother’s place. She had left middle school. She was very sincere and took interest in reading books at our place with little bit of Marathi she could read. My mother offered to teach her English. She started learning with alphabets and small words. Later on she started working in place of her mother and her learning hours also increased. Within few years she could speak English quite fluently. Currently she has joined some marketing firm but has yet not left my mothers work. She feels like at home.We all feel so happy to see her being so independent professionally and creating her identity .

A lady learnt car driving from a driving school but was afraid to drive it independently. She required someone to sit beside her just as a support. Her husband is very short tempered and so she din’t want him to accompany. One of her friends accompanied her and within a week she gained confidence.

Once I got down at Parel station in Mumbai. I was quite young and newbie In Mumbai. I had to go for some important meeting nearby but dint knew the area. I got little confused with the rush and chaos in morning .I asked a lady for direction hesitantly. Instantly she held my hand like an elder sister and took me till the the meeting place was in view. I was taken aback by so much warmth .After around a decade I don’t remember the face but I still can feel the care and help extended.

Recently I joined a woman marathon runners group to feel motivated for some fitness. Daily I feel so happy to see how they motivate each and every member to walk/run, eat healthy, stay fit and fine physically and mentally. There is so much enthusiasm and encouragement in their conversations on watsapp. All share their experiences without inhibitions of being judged and also useful tips from their journeys so far.

Friends, the kind of emotional and mental support a female can give to another female ,is immense and unexplainable. Women can empathise naturally with another woman. They are in a better position to understand and address issues which are beyond general understanding of men. Woman generally looks for affirmations and reconfirmations which woman counterparts can naturally or easily give.

Unfortunately, I have often seen woman indulging in gossiping or complaining about each other. Unnecessary competition or comparison is also common at workplaces amongst women. Insecurity tends to grip woman many times unnecessarily. I feel all women should refrain from loose talks and be open for accepting deviations from set behavioral patterns .The way in which world is progressing we no longer want to be labeled as weaker sex. This is really possible when woman stands up for another woman.

My point is all women are real blessed souls. They have been created by Almighty for creating.Creating not only new generation but creating beautiful relations and bonds. They are blessed to have the qualities of caring, sharing, empathizing and encouraging. Love and compassion comes naturally to us. Only education is not enough to empower woman today. We all need to build environment wherein woman can express themselves in way they want- freely and happily. All this is possible if there is support amongst each other .The journey of life becomes much easy when woman empowers woman and stands in her support in any relation at any place and anytime.

It is rightly said ,

"Real Queens fix each other's Crowns"

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