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Live to Love!!

"And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for."-Robin Williams

I was in my early teens when I first watched a Shahrukh Khan movie. I became his ardent fan and grew up watching his movies again and again. Perhaps I din't understand the terms love and romance at that time but I could observe that every story has a hero who is extremely sweet,caring,passionate and could do anything to make the girl in his life happy.Till that time I had read fairy tales like Cinderella,Rapunzel,Beauty and Beast.All these stories always had a hero and a happy end.It was during my board exam vacations I got introduced to the world of Mills and Boon.I completed the entire series available in library at that time during my holidays. Shahrukh khan and Mills and Boon made me fall in love with the feeling of love.

This is not my story alone but story of many of my batchmates who have grown up watching SRK and YR films.At that time cable channels were just introduced and it was flooded with typical serials stressing the power of love and commitment.There were no reality shows on television at that time.Listening to songs like " Dil toh pagal hain "and "Kuch kuch hota hain" was a daily ritual while getting ready for college.

The meaning of love kept on changing with people,time and experiences. I came to understand it not just about roses and songs . Still for me it remained the most cherished feeling. Real Life is not rosy and cosy. Experience makes everyone of us realise that life is not so simple and love is not so easy. It comes sometimes as a surprise and sometimes as a shock when life events don't turn out as we have imagined during our teens. But still I feel that being in love is the most pure and most beautiful emotion in world. I am being teased by many that I fantasize a lot and create a world of my own. My near and dear ones keep on advising me to grow up and be a little practical. But I enjoy being in love in this journey of life. Ups and downs are a part of everyone's life. But love makes this roller coaster ride interesting.

I strongly feel that love should be the very basis of our existence. Love for our companion, children,family, siblings,friends make life worthwhile. Love for our work,our passion and our hobbies enrich life in a different way.Love adds a new dimension to every thing we do.

Real life is harsh and we may get too practical . Love may take a back seat. But in long run being practical may give way to feelings of loneliness and stress. Any kind of relation needs to be nurtured with love and affection .Expressing love is equally important. Life is too short to keep emotions to ourselves. I love the way people express their love by way of poetry,music,paintings.All these add so much colours to life. Getting hurt on the path of love is easy when there are expectations.But I feel when we are in love truly, reciprocation becomes immaterial.Love naturally nurtures the qualities of dedication,commitment,selflessness and happiness. The feeling itself is extremely gratifying.

I believe we should live to love and love to live.Fuel of love is what keeps life shining always!!!



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