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Feel free

Today was one of those few days, when I was feeling low and lost.Nothing seemed to be right and felt like life has got stuck between home and work.Feeling of losing my inner voice in chaos of routine made me restless.As I was preparing to leave from work ,I caught glimpse of a small beautiful flower blooming on a shrub.What was astonishing was the little shrub was caged by metal wires but flower had found its way through and was shining bright yellow .I loved the flower not only for its colour but also for the way it had found its way out of the boundaries set by someone else.

Isn't this how we get ourselves bound day in day out.Our responsibilities ,our duties,our commitments all define our daily routine .Other than these rules of work and rules of society are also exerting direct or indirect influence on us.The clock never stops and so is our race to adhere to timelines.In the process of adhering to our schedules ,our kids schedules ,our commitments we sometimes start losing our essence.We forget that we are much more than what we do in our day to day lives.We as individuals are beautiful souls blessed with so much more by Almighty.

Our vision ,our inner voice start fading out sometimes in pursuing defined goals.We get lost knowingly unknowingly in expectations created by people around us as well as by we ourselves.If this continues for long, we forget our special blessing and gradually we find ourselves caught in the journey between sunrise and sunset.

I feel life is very beautiful .Need is to add colours to it regularly.It is good to rebel sometimes.In discharging our duties and responsibilities we need to enjoy the process.The moment we feel burdened is the point where we need to pause and introspect what is wrong.Each moment and each breath is precious.If we are unable to express our own selves, if we are not feeling happy about what is happening, if we are not at peace ,there is something definitely wrong.We need to identify what is binding or restricting us from exploring real self and real worth.

It is good to be efficient,loving and caring. It is adorable if your an ideal daughter,wife,son,husband,friend,father,mother or for that matter employee.Its admirable if you are earning millions or gaining success.But are all these things making you feel happy and elevated is the question.Money,relations,success,fame all contribute to good standard of living in materialistic world but we need not forget that however tall the tree may be, the beauty is in flowers which bloom on them.We need not confine ourselves but dare to express ,enjoy,voice out and explore our blessings curbing our mental restrictions and ignoring the set boundaries.

Striking a balance between responsibilities and freedom is the key to a colourful and vibrant life.

"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!"- Marcus Garvey


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