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Positive Affirmations

“Kehte hain agar kisi cheez ko dil se chaho ,toh puri kainaat usse tumse milane ki koshish mein lag jaati hai”

Our thoughts are the most powerful medium of change. What we think not only pave the way for our actions but create energies which actually contribute to the fulfillment of our wishes. Our positive affirmations are like magnet. If we believe and act towards what we desire, we are bound to get the desired outcomes.

Man kaur ,aged 101 is a world Champ runner .What is more surprising is the fact that she started running on track at the age of 93. It is said that, JK Rowling’s manuscript was rejected by 12 publishing houses. Still she didn’t lose hope and finally got the chance to publish her book which later on went to became favorite Harry Potter -series of fantasy novels for millions. Jack Ma, co-founder of Alibaba group and richest person in China failed in key primary school test for two times, three times for the middle schools. Failed thrice in entrance exams of the universities, applied jobs for multiple times and got rejected. Still he din't allow his optimism to fade and maintained persistence in effort.

The intensity with which we think or feel about something, play a tremendous role in shaping what we want and what we achieve. Friend’s positive affirmations are one of the most powerful tools which can change everything in life for good.

'Khudi ko kar buland itna ke har taqder se pehle Khuda bande se pooche bata teri raza kya hai.'

I remember writing these beautiful lines on first page of all my notebooks during 12th standard. I always wanted to secure first rank in my board exams and these served as reminders as well as positive assurances to cheer up and keep my good spirit intact all time . Finally I achieved my dream.

This is so true that what we think, what we feel, what we dream only turns into reality.

Parents generally complain about their kids that they don’t study, they don’t eat well , they don’t listen. I have come across a theory that we should never speak negative in front of children. We should ensure that positive things are stated so that children receive good positive signals and energy which encourage them to change. My experience is similar .When instead of criticizing or scolding we resort to positive encouragement, kids do respond in a positive way.

I have a gynecologist friend with whom I was discussing about the rising number of infertility cases among young couples. Most of the times there is no medical issue but the pressure created by society and people around create negative impact .The emotional aspect creates a chain series of negativity. In such cases if couples keep a positive attitude and be happy there is no need of treatment at all. Similarly expecting mothers have a tremendous power to influence and shape the characteristics of baby. There is so much importance attached to Garbha sanskar during pregnancy because it has been scientifically proved that child inside womb is receptive to what is being said and conveyed during those 9 months also. It nourishes the character since inception.

We generally have a tendency to see and analyse situations things, people, events and speak about them the way they are .But how often do we attempt to talk about or think about them the way we would like them to be is a question we need to address.

The way we perceive people or events fuel the thought process. The way we express our thoughts then create the resultant positive or negative energies. This is applicable from each small to big thing in life. If our thoughts are filled with suspicion or doubt of failure we can never achieve positive outcomes. At the onset we have to decide the outcome and then move forward.0.01% negativity has the power to nullify 0.99% positivity. I have always heard elders in the house say “shubh shubh bolo”. It is because what we think or speak eventually manifests in some form. Failures are inevitable and part of our life cycle but maintaining our composure and commitment make all the difference.

For any relationship to be healthy and happy there needs to be constant exchange of positivity. If there is some friction between 2 people, gossiping or discussing it with several others just worsens the situation. Instead if the people involved just sit and discuss and try to clear the negativities , the bitterness there is always a scope for improvement and longevity of relation.

Companies can see a turnaround in their working and witness tremendous growth only when all people are motivated and work positively for the fulfillment of said objectives. There should be harmony amongst all. So many entrepreneurs and business houses fail but again rise to pinnacles because of never say die spirit. Change is required from micro level. I was to attend a meeting of senior professionals on a subject of which I had little background. I felt anxious but then I thought about what my mentor always say. Positive thoughts bring positive results. I attended the meet with good intent and benefited from the opportunity as a learning experience. Self assurance to be calm helped me to remain unruffled and in no time I became of part of whole discussion process. The will to learn, contribute and achieve should always be strong.

If we start day on positive note with positive aspirations and positive self assurances , our efficiencies can increase manifold since our mind is tuned to think that way. Our affirmations nourish our mind , body and soul .If we think we are fit ,we are bound to be fit. This thought can bring about miracles in treatment of serious illnesses too. If we feel we are beautiful, we would radiate always with inner beauty. Maintaining positive thoughts while cooking, serving and eating food is very important because this contributes in desired nourishment of body and mind.

If our thoughts are pure and intent is good ,life will definitely be as we dream.If we are going through stressful situations we need to smile and maintain the positive aura for attracting happiness and right balance .Positivity and optimism need practice and conscious effort .They are the foundation of any good change and outcome .The time to adopt any good habit is now and hence each moment we need to fill in with positive dialogues and positive confirmations .

Someone has rightly said,

रख हौसला, वो मंज़र भी आएगा प्यासे के पास चल के, समंदर भी आयेंगा थक कर ना बैठ, ए मंजिल के मुसाफिर मंजिल भी मिलेगी और मिलने का मज़ा भी आएगा


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