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Sakhya Re

“ What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies."-Aristotle

Come August and market gets flooded with friendship bands, rings and cards. It is the time to celebrate the beautiful relation called “friendship” and express our love and concern to all our near and dear friends. Kids and youngsters are seen indulging in lot of shopping for this day. It is so true that friendship is a single word but encompasses within itself a world.

If we all observe our life journey, we all will agree that it’s the relation which we choose and need since being infant till the time we bade farewell. Friends keep on changing and so do the meaning of friendships. From playing, dancing, eating, partying together, sharing secrets to shopping or studying to hanging together. There is so much we do in life with friends.They are an inseparable part of our life.

As we grow up and gain various experiences in life, this relation becomes invaluable and the meaning and context undergoes a major change. I agree that childhood and teenage friends are lifelong companions but after a certain stage in life we look for someone who can understand us much beyond words. I feel ,once reality of life strikes us, we begin search for someone who shares same wavelength or who resonates our thought process. There are so many feelings and experiences in life which cannot be shared with all or which we cannot put in words. They are important for us but may be people around us may not be able to feel them the same way we do. In such situations we need someone with whom we can share each and everything under the Sun. In such relation there is no fear of being judged. There is no secrecy and no inhibitions. Such a kind of friendship is actually interlinking of souls.

I came across a very nice article recently which described friendship of Draupadi and Krishna . “Sakha” is what Krishna is fondly known as. Sakha is more than just a friend. He is a friend, philosopher and guide .Sakha plays a 3 in 1 role. For me this is one of the most beautiful relations. Such a friend ,philosopher and guide understands our background, where we come from, what are our insecurities, our weakness and our strengths. Sakha or sakhi understands our passion and our soul calling. Such a kind of friend loves and supports us unconditionally.

It is true that fortunate couples find their sakha or sakhi in life partners. Soulmates becoming life partners or vice-versa is the best one could ask for. But this is not the case always. Marriage entails a lot of responsibility and commitment. There are assigned roles and set framework which one needs to adhere to for smooth day to day life. There may be a fear of being judged or bias of opinion. That may possibly the reason that in many cases, people find their soul friends outside marriage. In any case trust,understanding, compassion,acceptance and sharing are the pillars of this special relation.

Family is always there for sharing, caring and loving. Acceptance is common but perfect understanding may not always be there. It is not necessary that our family members or regular friends may always understand the depth of our dreams, aspirations, concerns, fears and emotions. Having that special friend is crucial and if we search for, we are sure to find that special connection beyond doubt. Age, gender,relation, marital status or money doesn’t matter in such kind of connection. I prefer to refer to such connection as platonic since it is much beyond and above physical attraction and bonding.

The rising number of cases of suicides and depression are indicators of loneliness and dejection. The feeling of being accepted and understood is missing is most of such unfortunate cases. The increasing trend of divorce is also outcome of misunderstanding and absence of empathy. Having a confidante can make individuals see situation or problems objectively and search for rational solution. Having a friend who can touch our soul gives us a sense of security and warmth. Such compassion and understanding helps us to live life with clarity and there is no place for stress, loneliness or depression in life.Accepting and overcoming our weakness, harnessing our strengths ,being happy and content in life becomes much easier when we have a special friend in life.

When we commit any mistake in life or lose our direction in life, Sakha is the one who can hold our hand and tread us on correct path without being angry or rude. Such a person can make us understand every situation objectively. Many times, we get carried away by emotions, pressures and expectations of society or family .We may find ourselves being lost in daily chaos. At such times, this friend can play a very crucial role in helping us meet our true self. Such a friend always helps us stay connected to our soul and can play a pivotal role in our overall upliftment and wellbeing. Sakha motivates us to put our best foot forward always in life .

Friends, I feel such a kind of platonic relation is real treasure in life and should be valued immensely. It is a blessing for all. We all need to keep our search for such friend on till the time we find someone and encourage all our near and dear ones too for same. When we feel secure and content, the positivity and happiness automatically gets transferred to all other relations in life. This surely makes our journey truly meaningful and blissful.

"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, not the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship."

– Ralph Waldo Emerosn


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