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Mothiaai- An Epic

“Jai Thakur,Jai Maa” I would say as she picked up the phone. She used to be so happy and showered me with loads of love and blessings. This was one call which I always looked forward to. Communication with one of the most beautiful souls in this world!!!My nani-Mothiaai always would be super happy when I called her and looked forward to my visit to our home town and to her home.

Mothiaai –this single world encompassed a big world in itself. Whenever I said mothiaai it was much beyond an individual. She was an epitome of courage, faith, integrity, positivity, devotion, selfless service and so much more.

Some souls are meant to leave a forever mark and touch lives of all those who meet them in special way. For me Mothiaai was one of a kind of human beings. Her life journey was filled with many ups and downs. Having lost both parents by the age of 6 years she and her elder sister were raised by her aunt who was extremely spiritual. She raised them both with so much love and care. Her day used to start at 3-3.30 a.m and my Mothiaai imbibed a lot of qualities including unconditional love, service, and spirituality from her.

My grandfather who was in police department saw her once by chance and at a tender age of 16-17 years she got married to him. His family was a big one with many sisters and brothers. She used to narrate her story of learning cooking from guards post marriage for large groups. She adjusted to the new lifestyle and was extremely happy to greet and welcome so many guests and relatives at her place. She got used to shifting from one place to another as per Grandfathers posting. Sometimes the quarters allotted used to be very old and grandfather had to go out for attending duties at odd hours too. But she never felt afraid. She made a big circle of friends wherever they got posted. She loved cooking and inviting people over get-togethers almost every day. My mother is the eldest amongst 5 siblings and she remembers that other than themselves there always used to be 4-5guests at their place. But no one ever complained because Mothiaai managed everything so well. She was one of the most adorable hosts I have seen in my life. She was one of the best chefs in world for us. Variety of delicacies prepared by her were famous amongst all near and dear ones as well as whoever met her.

Her happening, comfortable and happy life got a blow when my grandfather passed away suddenly. At that time my mother was married and I was just born, still in maternity home. With a family consisting of other young daughter and 3 sons to be taken care of, she dint lose courage but faced the situation with strong belief in Almighty. She stood strong come what may and never lost hope. She dint allow grief and unbearable loss overpower her but gathered all her will and raised her children with so much positivity, love and care.

Her life journey got a purpose when one of her friends introduced her to Ramkrishna Mission shortly after grandfather expired. Thereafter she became a devotee and worship of Ramkrishna Paramhansa became an integral part of her life. Her devotion went on increasing day by day. Ramkrishna Paramhansa and Mataji became synonymous with divinity for us. She loved doing seva in whatever form possible. We always saw her making beautiful garlands, cotton wicks, variety of Prasad. She felt blessed to prepare and pack delicacies for monks. She considered it as a part of her devotion .She never cared about unending efforts and hard work involved in any kind of service to mission or to devotees. She was over enthusiastic to help anyone and everyone. She was always surrounded by multiple friends because of her helping, caring and jovial nature. She indulged in charity a lot and that gave her inner peace and happiness.

She was a Royalty. Not a single time I saw her complaining. Within limited resources she managed everything so gracefully and happily. She never allowed anyone know the struggle she might have faced in managing within the limited sources till her children grew independent. She was a perfectionist and liked everything spick and span. Everything in place and place for everything was the principle she followed strictly.Her house would always be so clean and clutter free. Her classy taste was reflected in her choice of sarees, crockery, and upholstery. She never liked compromising on quality and cleanliness.

Her love for cleanliness was known to all. Right from outside road leading to main gate, the courtyard, terrace everything around the house was meticulously cleaned day in day out. So many beautiful trees and plants but not a single dry leaf in her garden could be seen. She ensured that roads in her locality were also well maintained and I remember occasion where she dint shy from contacting and bringing corporator to see and change the bad road condition.

Her creativity was reflected in the way she used to put rangolis .She loved drawing deer and swan in her rangolis. Her colouring was also different. When we used to appreciate her ,she used to smile and say that she was daughter of architect and this was gift from her father. Her IQ was so good. She was a matriculate but was well informed of all happenings around the world. She was a progressive thinker and adapted to whatever was new and good. I remember being accompanied by her to watch various movies in theatre. She believed in enjoying life without making fuss of unnecessary things.

Personally I shared a very unique bond with her. May be because my birth happened around time of her extreme grief, we connected at a level which cannot be expressed. My early memories are of visiting her alone with my father from Vadodara to Nagpur.I was around 5 years and lived with her so happily. I remember passing by a marriage hall with her and I insisted on eating jalebi whose aroma was lingering all around. She had to ask my uncle to pack jalebi asap to calm me down. She remembered the incident so vividly and ensured that I got to cherish all delicacies I loved always. Luckily I got a chance to travel and live with her many times alone. We lived nearby her home and I remember meeting her almost everyday till my marriage. She loved my long hair and enjoyed making beautiful plaits. My friends could easily make out that my nani had visited our place from my plaits. I could share with her everything and anything. She understood whatever I felt so perfectly.A simple hug from her would take away all anxiety and comforted me immensely. She never missed her long morning walks to Ramkrishna math and I loved catching up with her up on the way back.

She was fond of reciting Krishna bhajans and had an amazing collection .Every evening she used to make me and my sister sit with her for prayer and reciting bhajans. Till date, that time is one of the most cherished moments of my childhood. The aroma of incense sticks, the taal manjiras,beautiful prayer, the Prasad and the whole aura of her prayer room was heavenly. We could feel presence of Almighty there.

She generally recited Ramraksha or some stotra while cooking .She believed that whatever we think while cooking makes all difference. Food is a strong medium for passing on good sanskaar and that’s the reason why even today I am unable to delegate cooking job to any house help. She was super happy when I secured rank in both my board exams and became a CA .But always kept on reminding me to be grounded, maintain strong character and never sacrifice on basic values in life. She believed that character and courage should be the two basic pillars of progress in personal and professional life. She always made me believe in myself, hardwork and envision tremendous success. She made me understand the importance of individuality. She made me understand that every human being is unique and blessed with special quality for sure.

With all her children, daughter in laws, son in laws, grandchildren, great grandchildren she shared special bond. She shared an unique relationship and wavelength with each of her family member,relatives as well as her friends. She had an infinite reservoir of love for all. She made everyone felt special. She gave time to each and every member, listened with so much interest and appreciated each and every small step forward.Our happiness was her happiness and our slightest pain got reflected in her teary eyes. Toiling day and night for everyone she never ever said she got bored. Losing companion so early in life was unimaginable. But she never ever mentioned the same and instead came to be known as jovial, compassionate, caring and extremely spiritual personality. She motivated everyone to live life with a purpose.

May be limited but good quality life, excellence in whatever you do right from cooking to cleaning to working to maintaining household ,love for each and everyone around, selfless service, charity, never quitting attitude are some of the innumerable qualities which she reflected from her day to day life. She had a special aura around her which made so many people connect with her for lifetime.

The peaceful way in which she left for heavenly abode recently is a mark of her being specially blessed. Her departure has created a void which can never be filled. Such souls are rare and extremely beautiful. For me ,it is like an end to an epic-A saga which will never be experienced again in our life time!!

May God rest her soul in peace. Love you Mothiaai !!!


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