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“Eventually you’ll end up where you need to be, with whom you’re meant to be with, and doing what you should be doing”. – Unknown

Today visited one of my favourite Ganpati Pandals.I planned the visit taking into considerations all factors so as to have darshan in minimum time possible. But all my plans were foiled when I reached there and saw a long queue. I somehow dislike waiting in crowd and generally avoid public places. But having no option had to join the queue. Seeing irritation on my face, my hubby calmly advised me to be patient. Logic was simple that if we could travel one hour from one suburb to other for darshan, waiting for half hour was ok and that too once a year. Once I reached the adytum I could sense the aura, the purity and the moment I touched Ganeshji’s feet all my irritation disappeared .I was filled with so much happiness and fulfillment. The patience had made my darshan all the worthwhile. All through the waiting time I could see the beautiful Ganeshji and absorb myself in all prayers being played and divine atmosphere ,which in routine life I rarely get time to do.

On our way back , my friend shared the news article describing journey of Hima Das from running barefoot to having her name on Adidas shoes. So much of patience and perseverance must have gone in making this journey possible. Can just imagine how difficult it must have been. But the firm belief and determination is rewarding now.

Friends patience is a simple but the most magical word for a happy and peaceful life. One who has mastered the art of being patient is generally a happy and content soul.

If we observe nature closely ,patience is inbuilt in each and every phenomenon right from each morning to each changing season. Development of human life in womb takes 9 month. Ask any mother how these 9 months feel like. Parents trying to feed their toddler is a sight to see. The toddler keeps on running, throws tantrums and is a real test of patience .But in both the above cases no one ever complains because that it accepted naturally.

But do we keep such patience in our day to day lives?

Ask a CA who could not pass all the exams in first attempt or ask a specialist doctor about the efforts put in to gain specialization or a software programmer who has to sit in for hours or days together to crack a code or write a perfect program. So many years just fly away in pursuit of professional excellence. There are times when peers or colleagues move ahead smoothly .But one has to keep patience. Every journey is different and there is no option but to work hard and achieve the desired result. I remember an incident during audit period in first year of training period. At that time many clients from surrounding rural areas maintained manual books of accounts. It was already 11 pm and we had to locate difference of some 1300 Rs in a client’s final accounts. We were really tired and a little irritated. At that time seeing our impatience, our Sir gave us an important lesson .CA profession is all about patience and keeping cool. Patience with number crunching, analytics, audit, adjusting to clients’ temperament, adhering to statutory requirements, attending to queries of statutory bodies. Everywhere the test is of patience and our commitment to job. Small -small lessons go a long way in building over this virtue.

Ask any successful entrepreneur about his journey. Every successful story has an underlying ingredient of patience and undying spirit to create something come what may. I feel achieving anything in life is not possible without maintaining composure of mind.Take example of any art form. To gain excellence, achieve perfection and gain recognition requires years of efforts, dedication and commitment .Understanding the intricacies and achieving the mastery of any art form is test of endurance. If one quits in mid of training all the efforts can go in vain.

Have you ever noticed the difference of food items cooked in just 2 minutes and those cooked fresh with putting efforts ,proper time and attention .I remember first time I made besan ladoos they were nowhere near to ones made by my mother .When I asked her the trick, she made me understand that cooking needs patience with all ingredients. It is not just about roasting the flour but roasting at proper temperature and for appropriate time with appropriate mix of ingredients. Cooking can be a great way of inculcating the habit of patience. This may be the reason why our grandmothers or mother never ever seem to be irritated and are able to maintain their calm in routine life.

If we think about other dimensions in life they are also about patience. Tolerance helps us to be patient. We need to keep higher view and ignore or accept small sufferings positively that come in our life. Strong relationships are built when individuals keep patience in dealing with each other.They trust intention and move ahead ignoring small small tussles.Its easy to get angry and break commitments but difficult to keep calm and respect the trust and bonding. Ask a person who has committed mistake and has sincerely sought forgiveness. Seeking forgiveness is in our hands but it is not necessary that the other person will actually forgive us easily. Helplessness, self pity, fear may creep in till the time forgiveness is received. But if one is actually guilty and repentant, patience is the only way out.

Spirituality or knowledge of self is not possible without immense patience .Awareness is possible only when balance and stability of mind is achieved through constant practice over different periods of time ,sometimes years too.

In today’s world of digitalization we are used to so much fast pace that the natural quality of patience is gradually taking a backseat. The level is decreasing from one generation to another. This disturbs the natural state of peace and positivity .We need to consciously inculcate this quality and be happy .Our wants ,aspirations , needs all keep us in constant motion but we need to acknowledge the fact that results are dependent upon certain other factors.

We must learn to be happy in pursuit of anything and maintain trust in our intentions.Our strength of mind is key to tide over all situations in life. It is easy to lose patience in day to day life like I felt today but we need to get hold of our mind keeping the higher purpose in view. Consciously driving away our insecurities and fear and be positively motivated to do the needful makes all the difference for a peaceful life.

It is rightly said

“Patience is not about doing nothing. Patience is about constantly doing everything you can. But being patient about results.”


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