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Life Transformation

The alarm clock on mobile rang and the moment I turned it off, I opened my social messenger to check out for any new updates. It was 5 am in the morning and this has become a routine for the past few years. Friends ,technological upsurge has somehow penetrated and captured our lives in a way that majority of us have knowingly unknowingly been engulfed by its influence. High end smartphones, laptops with latest technology and all other gadgets have become an inseparable part of our day to day lives. Have they simplified or complicated our lives is a question which pops up in my mind quite often.

For some people the mobile never stops ringing. No wonder it’s a part of their job but doesn’t that lead to mental pressure??Our social messenger apps are constantly being flooded with forwarded videos, photos and messages. How many of them really add value to our lives??I always observe people in meeting and social gatherings. Most of the people including myself sometimes can’t leave mobiles off. It’s like mother being taking care of her child every now and then.

In this time where technology has become an inseparable part of our lives question really arises how one lead a good life which is healthy, peaceful and filled with happiness and satisfaction.

Fortunately ,had a chance to experience Shri Gaur Gopal Dasji share his views on transformed life through advanced living. He shared his insights on some crucial aspects which are essential for good quality life in current era. Listening to him made one thing very clear to me that Good living actually entails following some simple steps. Simple changes can dramatically enhance and improve all aspects of our lives.

Friends through this write up ,I would like to share my understanding on his valuable insight.

The first and foremost thing is we need to be selfish. Selfish in the sense that unless we are at peace with our own self we cannot expect peace around. The process starts from within. We can bring change, we can make our near and dear ones happy only if we are happy with our own selves. We need to take care of our body, mind and soul. Healthy lifestyle ,positive thoughts can help us in keeping ourselves physically and mentally fit. If we are fit ,we can encourage people around us to be same. We can help them. We can add happiness around us and be a source of joy and positivity for all.

I myself feel that once I feel settled and peaceful in life ,I will start doing something new and meaningful. Something which will satiate my inner soul. This is quite common with many of us. We keep on waiting for our ambitions to get fulfilled, some chaos to end, busy schedules to be over for pursuing our passion or inculcating some new good habits which will enhance the quality of life. But reality is this can never happen. The chaos can never end unless we choose to .We need to consciously grab some ME time, search for options which resonate with our thoughts and calm the inner hustle and bustle. We need to reserve some time for mind to get relax. Once this happens automatically our efficiency, our performance will improve and things will start falling in place. Being peaceful is first step for achieving anything in life and not vice versa.

For some ME time it’s necessary to practice digital detox. We are so used to gadgets and constant update on social networking that our thought process is overburdened .We need to cut off for some time of the day to focus on what we love.

Peace of mind is also majorly dependent upon relationships. The quality of our relationships decide the state of mind .The overuse of gadgets have affected relationships to a great extent. It has taken away the charm, the excitement, the happiness. Yes we are more connected but Constant communication has taken away the beauty of personal meetings and bonding. We are so engrossed in use of gadgets that we are unaware of actual relationships and people around. We are connected in virtual world but disconnected at actual levels. In ups and downs of life virtually connected people may rarely be with us actually .In such times only people who are connected with love and care will be around. Need is to build actual relationships and nurture all relationships with time, love, compassion.

We are blessed to be born in India. I feel so because each one of us is born with opportunity to gain spiritual wisdom naturally. People from all over world visit India especially for this. We have this opportunity available easily. Spirituality is one of the most essential ingredients for good quality life.

As in my case for years together I was alien or turned a deaf ear to this aspect of life. I always felt spirituality was for aged, was for those who have no important things in life. It was supposed to be a time pass for retired people or people who have no materialistic aspirations in life. But all my misconceptions were erased when I met my mentor who made me understand that spirituality is a way of life and it no way means giving away day to day pleasures or aspirations. It in fact improves our vision, clarity and quality of our though process. One can have all ambitions in life, pursue all dreams but still be spiritual. Spiritual wisdom helps us to look at life objectively. We can stay calm and composed in all situations of life if we have a spiritual base of understanding.

We are blessed to have so many spiritual gurus who are ready to share their wisdom to guide our thought process and actions. Technology has helped us in that way quite positively. We can listen to thoughts of great gurus sitting in the comfort of our homes. There is no need of visiting ashrams, social gatherings or reading heavy books. All wisdom is available at the click of button.

When we check out social networking sites, many people tend to get affected negatively seeing posts of their peers and friends. One may feel life of all people around is rosy and happy. Recent example of celebrities getting married at exotic locations in fairy tale style may affect many young people desirous of such wedding and events in life. But one needs to understand that all things posted on such media are not true or don’t give a holistic view of ones life. Everything in life comes for a price and posts on media are often manipulated or deceptive. When celebrities chose to wed at such locations they have toiled day and night to afford such kind of lifestyle. They have kept all other preferences in life. At the end of the day are they really happy is a question one needs to address. Just posting happy pictures on networking platforms doesn’t really mean that one is happy and peaceful in life.

Technological advancement is inevitable. It’s for us to make a wise choice and benefit from it without being enslaved. Simple example is of relaxation apps on smart phones.They can actually provide us valuable inputs like soothing music and steps to be followed to calm ourselves. We can reach out to resources necessary to improve quality of life.

Friends, in the times to come, we need to make use of all gadgets and technology for achieving balance and peace in life. We need to use our wisdom objectively. Transformation is possible only when there is awareness and conscious effort to seek happiness and peace over everything else in life.


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