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"I don't understand, why these builders have to build small kitchens .Take any size flat but they won't increase the size of kitchen'' I was murmuring this to myself while preparing lunch during morning rush when my husband laughed aloud.He remarked why I always had this complaint when this was a peculiar feature all over Mumbai.My point was when we shell out so much on rents and loan installments why do they compromise on size of kitchens and the popular logic is that urban population nowadays is spending less and less time in kitchen so the reduction in area .

On my way to office I happened to watch a wonderful video of a life coach.He gave a simple exercise which I immediately took .He asked to draw a circle and divide it into 6 pieces and fill each pie with things we are happy and grateful about in life.He then explained the concept of abundance through this example.Really money / materialistic things occupied only one or two pie out of the entire circle.When I thought about this ,I realised my mistake of complaining .It was such a petty issue and I had so much better things in life to think and thank about.

Friends, really if we think on these lines ,we may come to realise that we are blessed with so many wonderful things about which we can be grateful .Family ,friends ,good education ,comfortable and loving household,good satisfying work,supportive and encouraging people and so on.Just that we don't take out time consciously to think about these as abundance in life.

Eckhart Tolle has rightly said ,'Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.'

We all are blessed with things which make our existence meaningful and beautiful.Those things are not same for all individuals but vary as per one's soul journey.If we can focus on these aspects we won't have time to crib about things we feel are missing.If we observe, there are so many homeless,jobless , disabled, underprivileged people around but still they may seem to be at peace and happy.

Feeling of enough is a mental state of mind.Feeling is the core .How we feel about any situation decides our state of mind .Also it decides our future.Our feeling leads to imagination which in turn feeds manifestation.How we imagine and think strongly about present condition creates future experiences in life.

If we concentrate and think about abundance in life ,we attract abundance in times to come.But if we keep on thinking about minuses ,it creates a vicious circle of negativity and some times may even seem to be a nightmare .Such negative feelings will always create a vacuum in our lives.

Recently I read about Ms.Deepa Malik, the first Indian woman to win a medal in Paralympic Games and has won a Silver medal at the 2016 Summer Paralympics in the shot put. She currently is the world number one in the F53 Javelin category.She has won accolades for her participation in various adventure sport.Examples like her prove that concentrating on our strengths can cover all the perceived shortcomings in life.Appreciating what have and whatever we gain bless us with feeling of completeness.

Friends life is about creating beautiful and satisfying experiences every minute.We need to identify our positives ,our strengths and feel grateful about having enough.

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” -Oprah Winfrey

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