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Trust-The Essence

The other day when someone complimented me for being trustworthy, I felt an upsurge of positivity. There was a feel-good factor about it. “Trust” this five-letter word has been one of the most important virtues in my life.

For me trust and integrity are the core essence of any human relation. As children we are so free and happy because we trust our parents /guardians’/teachers to take care of us. We don’t worry about the possible dangers or outcomes in any situation because we are assured that they are there to think and foresee for us. We can explore and enjoy each moment because we trust. But as we grow and ambit of our existence widens, slowly this natural trait loses its originality.

Life experiences make us aware that in day to day lives as truth, honesty, integrity, commitment exist so do lies, treachery, self-centric approach.

If we observe closely ,one of the core qualities for any relation to build and grow is trust. As human beings each individual is bound to be unique with some good and some bad qualities. No body is perfect. But for any two individuals to bond, complete honesty is must. If there is transparency, there is natural acceptance of bad and good virtues. The feeling of being accepted creates natural commitment. And commitment creates trust.

Trust ensures that in any relation, other person won't willfully indulge in any activity or behavior which will harm or hurt other person emotionally/mentally, physically or for that matter even financially.

When there is trust the feeling to nurture that relation is automatic.When I see couples celebrating their silver jubilee or golden jubilee anniversary, I always feel great about the trust and respect which they must have maintained to nurture and keep the relation sturdy and steady. This trust is one of the most beautiful emotions. It gives strength and inner peace.

Another such relation is friendship. There are many friendships which begin during childhood and last till last breath. Same is the case with the inner circle. We share our ups and downs with them since we know they are there to share and are on the same page with us. They are part of our journey. That trust is naturally built over a period of time.To grow in life personally or professionally sometimes we may need guidance. It is possible to accept advice and knowledge with open mind and utilise it fruitfully only when we trust our Mentor/Guru completely.

I feel equally important is the trust at work place. For majority, primary reason to work is to earn livelihood but if the same work is done with integrity and commitment ,it definitely can become a source of satisfaction in life. I always feel the values we believe and practice ,reflects in the quality of our work. Our thought process over a period of time is bound to affect our efficiency. The more we value our commitment and more we are honest in our efforts, more is the possibility of better outcome. No doubt sometimes we may be lacking the necessary technical skills but our commitment can help us to come over any shortcomings’. The trust we can build at workplace can be the greatest investment to face any critical situations individually as well as together.

Unfortunately, we come across examples where trust is just another word in dictionary. When I see people focussing on individual personal gains at the cost of someone else’s emotions/resources, I sense the superficial nature of their existence. It is painful when someone betrays and breaks our confidence. When someone confides in us with secrets, their emotions, feelings and sensitive information, when somebody rely on us ,its our greatest blessing. Being trust worthy for me is one of the most valuable assets. Its a reassurance that our attitude and approach towards life is on the right track. Succumbing to short time temptations, short term gains, trading of information, secrets or conversations for just the sake of gossip or for earning any benefits is very easy but holding them securely and not crossing the limits of confidence is what commitment is all about. Such short-term gains can never be a source of permanent happiness. Rather they may create negative vibrations of pain, anger, dissatisfaction which have long term repercussions in life’s journey.The person whose trust is broken may find if difficult for lifetime to confide in someone.It may close the possibilities of exploring other relationships because of loss of confidence in human values.

It may happen sometimes we may not get along or we may have disagreements with some people. But I feel its better to talk and resolve or at the most to distance ourselves from such people than to hurt or harm them in any way.

Friends,I always feel Life is very beautiful and most beautiful are the human relations we are blessed to experience. We need to value this opportunity by respecting emotions and feelings of those we meet and interact with.

Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships. – Stephen Covey

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