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Work-Blessing in Disguise

Come March-April and all working parents along with their professional duties get an additional task of assisting their children with preparation for varied exams. School exams, music exams, dance exams, entrance exams ,so on and so forth.

Personally, during this time, I always go in introspection mode. Sometimes I feel I am unable to give justice to my work and my kid. I feel selfish sometimes when my priorities are somewhere not aligned to my domestic requirements. Also, in Indian society the discussion of working vs being at home mom is commonly prevalent. It knowingly unknowingly creates a kind of stress for many working moms for sure. Amidst all this chaos when I sat down one day for some detail introspection I realized that whatever is going on has been a part of my evolving process and definitely for my good.

Going out to work had been a phenomenon since my education days when I was pursuing my CA course. Earning money has never been my prime focus.Using mind and intelligence, learning new things, creating and adding value of any kind has always been necessarily a part of my individuality. I have always preferred to remain engaged mentally. It is like a tonic for me.

I strongly believe being a full-time homemaker is equally or more difficult and very satisfying experience. But somehow, I have never been able to enjoy myself being at home. I love all domestic chores like cooking, babysitting, grocery shopping but my Dil has always asked for something more in life. Going out for professional work enlightens my spirit and feeds my soul.

It has brought a certain discipline to life. I have learnt value of time . How every minute especially during morning rush hours can make a difference is being understood through practical experience. Domestic chores which take hours during holidays get finished within specific timelines on working days. I have learnt to prioritise my work, my interests and requirements. Timetables to finish the stipulated tasks has become an integral part of my routine.

As a child I was very shy. Having elder extrovert sister saved me from interacting with people during my growing years. But when I started working I had to interact with different kinds of people.Initially for many years,I tried to pass on the work communicating with people to my partners and colleagues. But today , I feel at ease and enjoy observing, interacting with all people around. It has added to my life experiences. Infact I started writing regularly when I got to share life experiences and when I started observing people and circumstances around keenly. There is always so much to learn from people around.

Work place has taught me a lot about life. First and foremost thing is change is the only constant thing in life. People, circumstances, situations change. We need to adapt to changes if we have to sustain in the big world outside. We have to learn to be flexible, tolerant, patient in our dealings with people around. Every individual has multiple facets to personality and circumstances around decide how they get manifested.

It has taught me to empathize while dealing with different people in different circumstances.

I have learnt that there is no substitute to hard work. One needs to be smart but importantly to be sincere to do meaningful work. World is competitive but there is always a space for dedicated and genuine efforts. It is necessary to be aware and alert of what is happening around without being attached. One needs to maintain integrity and objectivity irrespective of people behavior around. One needs to visualize the larger purpose of work and this visualization can be a great motivator at work.Taking responsibility for actions is naturally developed in this process.

Life is not simple, straight and sweet. Going out to work has exposed me to harsh realities of life. I have seen people changing and so do life events turning world upside down for many. But at the same time I have seen how people fight and win over situations, how people turn up to work keeping all personal problems at home and with a smiling face attending to their professional duties. Be it heavy rains or scorching heat of summer working has taught me to be in action always.

Getting ready for work with a new spirit everyday is in itself a refreshing moment. Going out of home helps to look at domestic issues from a different perspective. It is like having two compartments of train. Attached but different. It is a skill to manage moving from one compartment to another and trying to do justice to both fronts .But it’s a challenging and fulfilling experience. Judicial use of resources like time,energy and money becomes a habit over a period of time. All days are not the same.Ups and downs pertaining to financial, mental, emotional, physical, family well-being are an integral part of everyone’s life. But facing and solving problems with presence of mind ,sometimes ignoring them ,maintaining composure of mind becomes possible when one is confident enough. When one wins over professional struggles, one automatically learns to stride over personal problems too. Inner strength gets naturally built up during the multitasking process.Working and earning money is a part of confidence building process. Yes, money is not everything for many, but it definitely is something which can help to stride many of life problems.

When I see my child feeling proud and supporting me to work ,it creates a different level of satisfaction. I look at it as an opportunity to create an example for the next generation to stand up for our own self, to have freedom of expression, freedom to pursue dreams and to take all necessary efforts to turn these dreams into reality. It helps to realise and value the cosy comfort of homes. One learns to respect efforts and peace of being at home. Things which we otherwise take for granted look so invaluable when we go out.

I have always believed that it is important to work. Empty mind is devil’s workshop. Be it at home or outside. No work is big or small. All need not be ambitious.But one needs to decide what makes one really and truly happy. I have found my happiness in doing intellectual creative work. Interacting with some great minds, understanding different spheres of life, learning to tackle with different situations and earning a lot of confidence has been made possible by work.

“Stay Busy. If you keep your Grind Right, it will keep your Mind Right”-Unknown


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