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Language of Emotions

As a kid I regularly accompanied my Nani to Ramakrishna mission math for arati (prayer). The prayer is in Bengali language and I had often seen tears flowing out of devotion from my Nani's eyes during arati. As a kid I wondered how my Nani could connect so intensely with the Bengali Aarti. It was much later I realized that it was her devotion for Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa that made tears flow so naturally. After many years, today I was blessed to be a part of bhajan program in regional language which I don't understand completely. The singers were singing the bhajans so soulfully and with 100% conviction. The anchor narrated small small stories beautifully with so much emotion and expressions that I could connect to the entire process. I felt at so much peace and could feel the magic and power of divine. I din't understand the words completely but could collect the gist of entire event from the beautiful singing and their emotions.

Friends isn't it true that sometimes we get so much engrossed or concerned with the words that we tend to forget the real intent. We fail to look beyond words and understand the emotions involved. Are words really so important? As a person passionate about writing, words have always been my most powerful medium of expression. But fact is so much can be communicated and expressed without understanding words too. Beautiful example of this is parents understanding what a child wants to convey even before child starts talking. Just a change in expression or tone of crying communicates to the parents what the child is feeling or wants to say.We human beings are blessed species to have the power of expression through varied forms.

My parents were in Trichy (Tamil Nadu) for few years post my marriage for work. I happened to travel few times alone from Chennai to Trichy and then within the city also. Most of the native public prefer to speak Tamil. But not a single occasion I felt uncomfortable. I just had to let them know that I din't understand Tamil (Tamil teriyada) and then expressions and actions came to my rescue. People supported me whole heartedly and tried to communicate with me in best possible manner without words. I always enjoyed the process. I could make what my parents were communicating in Tamil with people around through their expressions and tones. This habit after many years manifested in the form of me watching south Indian films or listening to their songs without understanding single language.

I feel our feelings and the intent are the things that really matter in any communication. Many times, we have fluency in language, but our words may not be aligned to our actions. It happens in case of many individuals. They may speak a thousand words, but their actions reflect some other intent. If our intent is true and pure it gets communicated through our conduct and behavior automatically. There is no need of verbal expression also in such cases.

We get entangled in web of words continuously, sometimes using them effectively, sometimes misunderstanding them, sometimes using them inappropriately, sometimes getting ourselves hurt or sometimes hurting others.I feel we have created so much dependency on words and their meanings that we tend to ignore the power of intensity,power of commitment, power of love, power of devotion, power of music, power of silence,power of experience. A simple smile, hug, greeting by joining hands, a gesture of commitment and care can speak so much. Many of us may have experienced that sometimes we are thinking about someone and then we get message from same person. Telepathy as they call, I feel is strong communication of emotions without actual expression. We feel connected to our near and dear ones through love, compassion and attachment without even regular communication.Similarly a music tune or dance can strike a beautiful chord with our mind.Sometimes a simple painting can speak so much about the thought process of artist.

Friends emotions definitely have a language of their own and they just need a peaceful, open, pure mind to flow without bondages of words and languages.


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