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Bucket List

“When my life comes to an end, I want to be sure I did everything I loved and loved everything I did”-Unknown

In one of my networking groups, few days back ,a friend came up with the idea of putting up our bucket list-things one wish to do before one die.

I was in midst of some important work and decided to give it a thought after some time. After a few hours, I saw many friends had posted interesting list of things. Many had already initiated some steps to fulfill the items on their bucket list. I was amused to see their enthusiasm and spirit. Two days passed and I felt I should also pen down my bucket list.

Initially it seemed to be simple but as I started writing I realized I wish to do so much in life. Being a dreamer, it was natural to have so many wishes but after writing down 3-4 wishes I actually started feeling anxious. I had such a variety of wishes but suddenly I realized I was not working to fulfill anyone of them seriously. Infact life seems to have got stuck in such a way that there is no time to think about what I really want to do before I leave this world.

Isn't this true friends that we live as if there is no end to this journey.

“For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”- Steve jobs

How frequently do we do such introspection??

Yes, I love the work I do daily and I have been conscious and aware of how my life has shaped up. But when I noted down my bucket list ,a feeling of something slipping out of my hand gripped me. May be the wishes seemed to be too unrealistic or maybe I have never thought of them too seriously. I have kept them postponing for some suitable time in future or contingent upon certain happenings in life. Most of the human beings also go on doing the same thing in life. But then life is so uncertain that time is now to act. It is like egg first or hen first.We need to select immediate happiness over necessities and future planning sometimes.

I know of a couple who throughout their lives were on a cost cutting spree just to have a comfortable old age and when time actually came, they both had untimely death. All their plans of going on world tour, living a comfortable retired life and enjoying comforts proved futile. I understand that this happens rarely but then fact is what is today is the ultimate truth.As they say "Zindagi na milegi dobara"

We all work, we all take up responsibilities, think about well being of all our near and dear ones and try to maintain a balance of professional and personal life. Then what is wrong in taking out some time to do what we actually want to do. Even if it entails spending time, money, energy it's worth it. All these things would have to be left and a fulfilled soul is what would be carried forward.

A married friend recently decided to go on solo trip every year. She wishes to gather some experiences independently and her family has decided to support her wholeheartedly. A doctor friend has decided to learn classical singing and manages to attend training sessions in between her OPD sessions in the noon. I remember of a person in his forties joining our CA coaching class. He used to joke that it is ok if he did not get to live as a CA throughout his life, but he really wished to die as a CA.

There is no good or bad when we think of bucket list. It is all about what our true wishes are. I wish to visit Gangotri and explore Dublin. These two places have no connection but these places interest me immensely.I also wish to learn rifle shooting.May be that's the reason I love action films so much.I also wish to write a love story since I feel Love is the most beautiful phenomenon in life .I have always dreamt of meeting SRK. For some it may seem to be too childish but fact is I have been his fan since childhood.In this way the list of to do continues.

Everyone’s bucket list is peculiar and I feel everyone should really start taking time off to tick items in bucket list asap so that new items keep on adding. Life is all about experiences and these are endless. Come what may we need to be happy and fulfilled at the end of this journey. There should not be regrets that I wish I would have tried this or visited this or would have taken this decision at that time. Whatever happens we need to be aware of what we are doing is aligned to what we want from life in long run.

All dreams are beautiful. However crazy they may seem today; they are the voice of our heart and soul. So, friends let us respect, love and listen to them and start ticking off things in our bucket list.


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