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Beyond Control

I was listening to the Aamir Khan song "Lose control" after so many years today and it instantly brought smile on my face. Friends, remember the teenage days when nothing used to be planned. Meeting friends going out, having fun, watching movies, having conversations with family .It used to be a free life. Absolute "Masti ki paathshaala".

Does our life remain such a Masti and fun always??

Once basic education is completed, a bug called responsibility enters in lives of most of the people. First career goals then personal life.To fulfill our aspirations and meet expectations of people around we start planning life. We assume we have all the time and control and start chalking out milestones to be achieved over different timespans .But as they say ,"Man proposes God disposes!"

A boy who always dreamt of settling abroad falls in love with a girl not willing to relocate, a couple who wishes to have kid after 3 years of marriage conceives in six months, a person who wants to pursue further education and has prepared for all exams has to shoulder family business responsibility instead .Examples are varied but yes we experience this day in day out. Should they give up and ignore what is right in front or should they accept the situation?? Should an individual keep on lamenting if things don't go as planned or accept and make the most of whatever is possible??

I came across a very nice example recently and could relate to it instantly. Imagine we are waiting for a local train at any of Mumbai stations. One train comes it is crowded; we let it go, second comes same situation. If we keep on letting go the situation remains same. Instead if we embark we definitely get space. People around accommodate us. I myself have gone through this situation when I was new to Mumbai.Life is also like this .If we keep on waiting for right moments which are as per our plan, there is always an uncertainty lingering around. Instead if we remain a little flexible and not be obstinate we can stand to gain many times. Adjustments are a part and parcel of human existence. Losing our control and going with flow sometimes makes things easy and life joyful.

We need to equip ourselves for surprises and shocks. Just to make things happen according to our plan we unnecessarily create stress and frustration in life. The very day when we have important meetings lined up, house help takes an off, driver /cab come late, there is traffic jam, and lift is not working. I am sure many of us may have gone through this kind of situation. We may be punctual to office every day and the very day we get late, our boss reaches early. We have done all the packing for family trip and suddenly an important assignment comes up. We have to reach temple before it closes and car breaks down. The laundry person spoils the dress we have planned to wear for a much awaited event. Surprises and shocks is what life is all about. Earlier I used to get anxious when things dint go as per my plan but eventually I have realised that we just need to do our part and then leave things to unfold. There is no point fussing about problems each and every day.

Friends, Life is about creating Magic in every moment lived. At the end of journey we will not remember our milestones but happiness derived and satisfaction achieved. If everything goes as per plan it's very good but if not then it's even better because universe has something in store for us. Everything eventually has to fall in place. Who guarantees the person starting career early definite success, who guarantees having kids late will ensure good secured future, who guarantees having a lots of savings will create a comfortable old age.

The feeling that we can control and manoeuvre our life's wheel exactly as we want is farce. Eventually there are forces working which are beyond our understanding and control.

I agree planning things in life is important to have direction and vision. But at the same time we need to have strong faith and keep on doing whatever best is possible in every moment of life. Picking up happiness, letting go of disappointments and always be positive of the happenings in life.


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