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Happy Soul

Standing sometimes on the brink,

Sometimes falling , sometimes walking firm,

Life goes in a wink,

Lets' enjoy this whole term.

Success is gratifying,

Failure is a phase,

Party should be continuing,

Life is not a race.

Travelling new places,

understanding emotions behind unknown faces,

enjoying excitement of something new,

Sometimes difficult ,sometimes soothing like drops of dew.

Wealth of experiences and relations,

Joy of giving and sharing,

Having someone to share emotions,

This is the real beauty of living.

Letting go what's happened,

Having faith and loving to the core,

Moving ahead accepting the blend,

Of sorrows and joys ,less or more.

Painting on canvas of life vibrant colourful mix,

Holding hands of those who care ,

Always being cheerful in this matrix ,

To be a happy and carefree soul having no opportunity to spare.


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