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Not easy but worth it !!!

" Love always gives pain dear," A voice whispered slowly in my ear.

"Unconditional love is but a dream, It's sometimes melts away like cream, In the reality of expectations, It gives way to anxiety and frustration." Oh! is it? but I feel, Love is being emotionally free, Love is the understanding between you and me. Love is the confidence and trust, Strong connection so pure which grows and never rust. Love is the bond across all miles, Love is when we talk and time flies. Love is the warmth and care, Love is being there even when you have no time to spare. Love is the soothing rain , When unbearable becomes the pain.

Love is being selfless and still feeling secure,

Love is feeling happy and being content to the core.

Love is growing together old, Seeing all the events in future unfold. When this is so beautiful ,why to care, Why to fear and just not dare??

Love is the most natural emotion,

Happening without any reason and caution.

Just let it be and enjoy the bliss,

It is definitely like a breath not to miss.

Not easy but precious,

Love is definitely the most Gracious!!!!


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