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I was at the physiotherapist place waiting for my turn ,when I came across an article on social networking, which narrated story of an 80 year old lady who sells idlis at Rs 1 per piece and who sells around 1000 idlis every day. She is not willing to increase the price since she wants to cater to needy and poor. What a noble thought!!

When I looked around ,the clinic was full of patients. This has been a normal norm for over several years now. The physiotherapist works religiously taking care of all with so much compassion. Any month ,any week ,any day ,any festival she's there to ease pain of all. She just spares Sunday for herself. Not only so, she makes it a point to enquire upon wellbeing of all after the sessions are over.

I genuinely felt the old lady and the physio to be specially blessed ones who are committed to the well being of God's children.

We were on a day tour at a tourist destination. There was a couple with an infant.The baby was crying inconsolably on the way back being tired and bored on bus. There was an aged couple who were from different country speaking a different language. They lovingly took the infant from mother and played continuously keeping the baby engaged till we reached back. The tired parents were so relieved and looked so much at peace then. They were not able to thank the aged couple enough.

Recently while driving I lost the control over wheel and car jumped on the divider. While majority of public indulged in clicking photos mocking at the tricky situation, a man driving on the other side immediately parked his vehicle and helped me to get the car back on road. He even assured that everything was normal and it was just one of an incident. I found this gesture really sweet. At times we need this assurance that however difficult situation may seem, it happens and things can again be back to normal.

Our family and relatives are there to love and care for us .But if we look around we would come across examples of people who appear to be blessing in disguise during crucial times. I have always felt people who can make difference in lives of people in any way are having divine blessings.

The teacher who imparts us knowledge, the mentor who guides our way through giving direction and shaping our lives, the friends who make our life colourful, helpers who assist in day to day activities are in some form or other there to make difference in day to day lives.The person who helped someone to get a job,the person who allowed to do immigration formality before him so other don’t miss the flight, the person who donated blood/organ, the person who arranged for funds at odd hours, the nurse at hospital who caressed newborn during first few days, the fireman who rescued the trapped one risking his life so on and so forth.I always feel the way we worship Almighty we also express our gratitude and compassion for all angels who in human form make our life happy and peaceful day in day out.

In fact, everyone of us have been blessed with this power to make a difference in other person’s life at some point or other. This power is what makes all of us divine. We all have that Almighty’s presence in us. Just that we need to grab the opportunity whenever we can. How crucial our deed of kindness, help, advice can be ,only the person seeking it may know. When and how anyone’s life can change we never know because of our small or big contribution.


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