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Colours in Life

“Colour is a power which directly influences the soul"-Unknown

Our life canvas is painted with various colours which make it beautiful and interesting.Colours add spice and are the most important ingredient to make this journey enjoyable and enriched.It is not only the colours of our surroundings but colours of events, colours of emotions and colours of people which affect our day to day lives. Every individual personality has distinctive flavour and colour. Interaction and communication with people make our lives a mix of various emotions and feelings. I always have associated colours with different people as per my experiences with them.

Red for me is symbol of strong and go-getter personality. Someone who is fierce and courageous . I have seen people full of energy who have a do or die attitude reflecting this colour in my life. Their vibrations are so strong that they encourage people around to do something in life with full vigour.

Some people are lovable and extremely sweet. Their gestures and actions make them extremely attractive. They generally never hurt people emotionally and take extra care in dealing with people around. They talk and express themselves in a way that everyone around feels lovable and cared for. Such people reflect pink colour. Soothing and sweet like the strawberry cupcakes.

Green is colour of serenity for me. Peaceful and unruffled in any situation like the green banyan tree standing tall for years together. Such people are extremely sorted in life. Generally, they have an understanding of life philosophy and they are detached to a large extent to the ups and downs in life. Such people have vibrations which make everything around peaceful. The houses they live or their workplace have a sense of immense calmness despite chaos around. These people are extremely trustworthy too.

Orange is the colour of intelligence for me. Some people are blessed with sharp memory and have impressive vocabulary and communication skills. They can generally converse on each and every topic under the Sun. These are curious and studious minds. Such people are delight to talk to. They satisfy the intellectual hunger of people around them. They are attractive and warm like the wicks of bright lamp and generally are mentor to many.

Some people are born givers. Their purpose in life is to help people around. They fill light in form of happiness in lives of people around them. These people reflect yellow colour. They never allow dullness or sorrow to stay but try to make make a difference in lives of people. They are ever ready to help in whatever way possible.

Blue is the colour of water. People who believe in go with flow philosophy reflect blue colour. These people are generally calm and composed and adjust in any given situation. They face the phases of life with positive attitude and move ahead. They believe in flowing like water cutting through rocks and making their ways in whatever manner possible. They never stop. In extreme conditions too they keep on moving.They are a motivation to people around

Black is colour of greed, jealousy, hatred for me. Many people have constant feeling of something lacking in their lives. Whenever people around them are happy they immediately compare their own lives and feel extremely sad and sometimes angry too. Generally dissatisfied they emanate vibrations which are extremely disturbing and uncomfortable.

Grey people are manipulative in their day to day living. Diplomacy is required sometimes in life but these people indulge in unnecessary gossip and take pleasure in creating misunderstandings in people around them. They are focussed on their own benefit at the cost of misunderstandings and loss of others. They are extremely cunning and generally very good at hiding their intentions and motives. I feel people with black colour personalities are more straight forward than people with grey shades. These people can backstab if required and are not at all trustworthy.

White ,the colour of Purity is the rare of all. Individuals who reflect this colour are souls with clear minds.They are free spirited souls. They have nothing to hide. Love, anger or any emotion comes to them naturally. These souls are delight to be with. They can never think bad about someone. They are satisfied souls and are happy in their own space. Their purity makes them extremely attractive and source of positive vibes.

We all have people with different colours in our lives. They all make life colourful. Like a rainbow if any colour is missing our life would miss its charm. Every individual has multicoloured personality. What colour I perceive is dependent upon my experience. Somebody else may experience a different colour altogether. Someone who seems lovable and caring to me may appear to be self centred to someone else. Its a game of perception.

But yes, its our discretion to choose a colour for our individuality. Our thoughts and actions are under our control. What colour we want to fill in lives of people around is our choice. The colours which we choose decide the vibrations and vibes we create.

Having a proper mix of colours can make this journey beautiful and enriched in true sense for sure.


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