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Designers of Destiny

"DESTINY is not created by the SHOES we wear but by the STEPS we take"-Unknown

I met a lawyer specialising in family court matters who completed her education after her kids finished their schooling. Despite being a bright student, she was married off at a tender age due to poor family conditions. But never ever she complained about her parents or conditions. She prioritised her family and seeing her interest in studies, her husband prompted her to enrol in college and pursue her professional dreams.

A man in his late thirties with degrees from prestigious institutions and commendable track record of work, lost his job suddenly during lay off. He had multiple connections working in good companies at senior levels. He was positive of finding a job soon. But as months passed by, it became difficult to control the anxieties of all and insecure feeling of what next. He had an option to be agitated, depressed and keep on waiting or work on his strengths and explore new options. Being a foodie, he started a small venture of food delivery business. People gossiped around him over his decision. But he kept doing sincere efforts and over a period venture picked up giving a reasonable payback and after two years he landed with a good job opportunity.

A wife who had grudges and differences with her in laws staying in different city had a choice to make in their old age. She had an option to resist the decision of her husband of bringing them home and disturb the peace of all. Instead she thought of bigger picture. Her children would get to enjoy company of grandparents and it would be an opportunity to clear all misunderstandings. She happily welcomed them and maintained a cordial atmosphere. Over period all irritation and friction took a backseat and everyone found a happy space.

A doctor couple had only child diagnosed with autism. They decided to indulge in all activities to empower the kid and live each day happily instead of stressing over future.

A company suffered huge losses because of fraud committed by childhood friend of owner. Instead of wasting time in confronting the friend, feeling bad being backstabbed, the owner immediately took all possible damage control steps and used his energies to bring business back on track. He looked upon it as a lesson in life and moved forward.

Friends, we all face ups and downs in our lives. When everything is smooth and as per our expectations, we are at peace and take decisions without much stress. But sometimes when times are tough, it is very easy to blame situation or person we feel are responsible for the same. We can feel agitated but our real strength lies in maintaining our composure of mind and acting with the awareness that whatever we do or think affect the energies of all around. We can have results or we can have excuses. For result we need to think and act positively.

It is rightly said “Kabhi Kisi ko mukammal jahaan nahin milataa kahin zamin to kahin aasamaan nahin milataa”. We need to understand that real happiness is in making the most of all we have and working towards what we want to achieve. There should be no comparison or jealousy or greed. Everybody has his or her share of joys and sorrows here.

At times we have differences with people. People back bite, spread rumours and gossip unnecessarily. We can either have friction with them and drain our energies or handle the situation positively keeping our stability of mind intact and not indulging in any unnecessary conflict. Being human, we are bound to experience feelings of pain, hurt, sorrow at some point or others. But real test is to address these feelings with maturity and divert our thoughts towards more meaningful and constructive things in life.The way we respond to situation decides our growth in life. Our wellbeing in future is dependent upon how we chose to act -rationally,objectively or just based on emotions experienced

When we think of destiny, its all about how we think or act now. Our every thought, our every word or action is creating certain level of energies. The more positive energies we emit, probability of having bright future increases. Every negative emotion, every negative thought not only depletes our inner peace levels but disturbs the aura and people around. Positivity creates,negativity destroys.Every conscious choice we make is the building block of our future. It is the way we nourish our thoughts; we flourish our lives.


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