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Broken Heart

“I am happy”, said she,

Looking away from me,

I could sense her trouble,

At that point ,my guilt grew double.

The missing spark in her eyes,

Her deep serious voice,

Made me realise what she had got in return,

For the love and sacrifice.

I had been the world to her,

My happiness was her dream,

My success was her endeavour,

Her innocence and commitment to the brim.

I had left her in middle of the path,

To accomplish my ambitions,

Assuming we would never grow apart,

Ignoring her slowly and completely in pursuit of my dreams.

She had waited long enough,

And one day got lost somewhere,

After so many years I found her,

And could clearly sense the despair.

Gathering all the courage I took her hand in my hand,

My eyes moist with remorse,

A beautiful heart was broken,

I knelt before her with no words to offer as explanation.

Blessed soul as she was,

Gave me a warm hug and asked me to smile,

So much had happened and there was nothing more to strive.

She left with an empty heart forgiving me for sure,

I kept weeping for all the pain which my love had to endure!


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