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Dil Maange More

I was in discussion with my friend who had recently completed a marathon and could clearly sense the happiness and satisfaction. I realised it is the result of so much of training, discipline and determination. I had always wondered what’s the difference in daily running as a part of exercise regime and running a marathon. Come December and I can see so many people training and preparing for the biggest marathon being held in January in Mumbai. Entrepreneurs, doctors, corporate professionals, homemakers and people from all walks of lives participate with so much of enthusiasm in these marathons. Why are people so passionate?

I guess the answer lies in the feeling of achieving some milestone being set. It is a process of setting a target and putting in blood, sweat and tears to achieve it. This sense of achieving something special is very important for human beings. Whenever we ask a small kid not to do something, he or she would definitely try to do it out of curiosity and basic human instinct. The smile which spreads across the innocent face then is priceless. This smile is what makes that feat special. This urge to do what is felt impossible is in all of us since birth. As we grow up, we start restricting ourselves to comfort zones. But there are people who always think beyond the defined boundaries.

I know a software engineer who works round the clock throughout the year but never misses the annual trek to Himalayan ranges. These treks are risky many times and are a real test of endurance. A finance professional having highly demanding job finds time to pursue his music interest on daily basis. It is true that people who are intensely committed to their daily activity need diversion to recoup energy level and rejuvenate themselves to stay focussed. They need activity that is entirely different from routine activity to get rid of stress levels. This diversion needs to be exotic.

In fact, doing something extra adds life to lives of some many of us. A homemaker, mother of two makes sure not to miss her daily tennis practice and play the tournaments. She has reserved that time to fuel the go-getter spirit. A couple walks barefoot in the famous Pandharpur Wari (yatra). They believe it to be the test of their devotion. One lady who has always juggled between home and high-profile job ensures she never misses her weekend singing classes. Her commitment has paid off in form of many accolades at singing competitions and musical events. The joy of singing and appreciation and love she gets from her audience is much more gratifying for her than the routine job. In a recent social event, many of my friends danced beautifully on peppy numbers. They belonged to different age groups and dancing had never been their cup of tea. Just for the event they managed taking time out, learning and practicing to perform well. We may not always get the appreciation or recognition for routine activities. But doing something different always adds a feather in our cap.

When I see people taking out time for activities beyond their career and home, I feel their urge to have that extra punch in routine lives. Many of us feel exhausted and too packed with routine activities. We feel 24 hours to be less. But the fact is there is always some time gap which can be utilised to achieve and experience feeling of achievers/winners/go-getters. The achievements in these small-small activities even though not remarkable are actually crucial for building and maintaining our individuality and maintaining interest in life.

I myself have experienced a different level of satisfaction through my writing. Small moments wherein I pen down my thoughts are full of bliss and peace for me. Writing helps me explore different facets of life. It is a different kind of enrichment and helps me connect to myself and so many people around. The activity can be anything from sky diving, Zumba dancing, kickboxing, learning a foreign language, experimenting with cooking, working for a social cause etc. But that add on in life is what can fill our heart with satisfaction and pride.

We cannot escape from our responsibilities and routine activities. But adding colours and experiencing that andreline rush is always in our hands.


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